Pg. 66

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After Natasha saw that her mother had been taken away, she went in search of Octavian. "Natasha, my love, I was waiting for you to come out, I have some great news and I hope that you will agree." "What is it?" "Remember that I explained to you who my mother was and what happened to her?" 

"Yes, I remember, why?" "Well, while I was talking to Maximillian last night, he told me some history I didn't know which was that our mother knew something might happen and she saved some of father's and her valuables for us for when in our lives we reached our 'step-stones' you could say and one of the things she left was her betrothment ball gown."

Natasha knew what he was going to ask but she was going to wait to see what he would say. "Mother's wish was that whichever one of us found our mate first she might feel honored in wearing it in her honor and honor of our family name, and I know you al....." 

"Octavian, I would be honored to wear your mother's betrothment grown, I would feel as if she were there with us approving our union." "Come, my love so that you may see it, my mother had beautiful taste." He took her hand as he led her to his room and remembering he had not seen her all day he pinned her against the wall kissing her as he had not seen her for ages.

When they entered his room and pulled out the gown she had to sit because of the beauty of the gown, and he hadn't even shown her the crown nor the earrings. He was going to wait until the day of the ball to give it to her as his gift.

"My love, that gown is a work of art. If there was a Louvre Museum for gowns that one would have the main spot. Whoever made that gown did a beautiful job, I am going to feel like she is watching over us on that night as I share with all the beauty of her by having her dress on."

She knew the time had come to tell him who her mother was. Moreover, she would not be coming to work anymore, which is the reason she fired her. She didn't hate her but she felt that she didn't have to take Damon's side all the time and now Damon betrayed her because he announced he was going to stay where he was and never to return to Prussia and Lydia was going to move there to join them.

Carminia would neither see him anymore and she wasn't even hearing his voice. Natasha didn't give a fuck he could screw himself but oh yeah, he was screwing himself with Lydia's voice on the phone or watching her fuck herself on the cam.

Her mother had done all she could for him and she would never see him again. Natasha was sure that since the day he said goodbye to Damon she hadn't heard his voice and that was a shame but Damon was always a do for me and I promise you this and promise you that and he never honored his promises and her mother never saw that. He only honored his promises to his school and his cock warmer, Lydia.

"Octavian now I have something that I have to tell you and please when I tell you as a gift to me keep it between us and don't say anything to anyone and please don't do anything to the person, do you promise me, my love?" 

"Yes, I promise sweetheart, what is it?" "You had asked me who my mother was because you wanted to rip her to shreds, I want to enter our marriage on a clean slate as you have told me about you then I will tell you. The person who took me to sell for my brother's college tuition and who is my mother is the person who you and your family know as Mrs. Edevane."

He had taken a glass of his special 'wine' with him that he was drinking and as Natasha was talking, he was drinking it, when he heard the name Mrs. Edevane the glasses fell from his hand and shattered on the floor. "Mrs. Edevane???"

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