Pg. 11

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Carminia had thought it through and there was no other way for Damon to assist the college he wanted, she would have to sell her Natasha, after drinking her tea she would ask Natasha to accompany her for a walk in the night, and then she would explain her position, tell her what was the only thing that was left to do and if she would be willing to do it.

Carminia knew that Natasha loved her brother and would want him to be happy as they had always been close especially since their sister died and Carminia was counting on that for Natasha to make the right decision because otherwise, she would be fucked. Just then Natasha awoke her from her thoughts.

"Big party at the mansion of the prince's tonight mother that they had to call you for after-hours?" "It's just that their maid or caterer came down with something and they needed help at the last minute so they called upon me, listen Natasha do you have a minute?"

"Yes, what do you need?" "Come, take a walk with me." Although her feet hurt, she knew she had to do this now or she would not have the nerve again and he needed that money soon.

"Natasha, I want to tell you first that I am happy for all that you have done to be the daughter that you have been to me always being there for me especially when your father passed keeping your tears quiet until you were alone to help me with mine."

"I'm also happy that you have always given of yourself whenever needed in any circumstance and well there is something that I must ask that is hard." "What is it Mother, please don't cry and tell me."

"Natasha, I cannot let's go home, I will find another way." "Mother, tell me what troubles you."

"You know that your brother tried for that scholarship and didn't get it and I have been saving but with what Lydia is giving him and with what I have saved it still is not enough to pay for the semester of college. And I was going to ask you if...." 

"You were going to ask me if I would let you auction me off at the underground sex auction to get the rest of the money." With sad eyes, Carminia looked at her daughter as she saw her glassed over in the light of the moonlight. 

"Mother if you must but I only ask that he does not know what I did and before you take me you give me a tonic so I feel like I'm not even there as they look at my naked body inspecting me like a piece of meat. Mother, have a good night I am going to sleep." She kissed her mother on the forehead and walked with her head lowered as tears fell wetting each step she took until she fell in her bed.

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