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She was happy that it was looking as if Octavian was the one in her dreams, her heart jumped every time she looked at him, and if this was love then so be it, before her mother had a say on if she went to their house but her mother had sold her putting Damon first as such when her mother came to work and saw her, she couldn't say anything and with the way, she felt about Octavian she didn't care.

"Octavian, I've told you about me, what about you? tell me about yourself." He thought to himself, there's not much, I run around in the mansion with 4 crazy brothers, we model at night because we can't go out during the day, and we suck the life out of bitches after we fuck them because it's the only way, we can stay alive.

"Well, my love, I'm the fourth in a family of 5 brothers, I will take you to meet them later, but Maximillian is the eldest, then Dario, Cirino, myself, and lastly, Edmondo. Our parents died in a fire." "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that my love," He thought if she only knew that the people that set it on fire were family members and they did it to kill them because they knew what his parents were, and the only reason his brothers and he got away was because they were hunting.

But they got even because they killed all who set fire and destroyed everything that belonged to them looking like a scene from an apocalypse movie. "Thank you, it was a long time ago." He thought if she knew it was over 150 years ago what would she say? She would probably faint.

"We live here and go on assignments when we model as that is our job." She winked at him as she mouthed 'wow,' he laughed. "We have a caretaker that you will probably see around as he lives here, his name is Lawrence, he is very quiet but, he is also a very nice man."

"There is also a lady that comes in the mornings, Mrs. Edevane. She takes care of the inside of the mansion as in the type of maid service and every so often Lawrence will get some help with the outside. Sometimes my brothers will invite guests who will be the only other people you will see here."

"Do you ever invite anyone?" "Me personally no, my brothers would invite someone for me so I wouldn't be alone." "Is that why you went to the auction?" She so much wanted to feel his kiss tonight and before leaving the kitchen she had slipped a small piece of mint in her mouth and inconspicuously chewed on it.

"Yes, and no, I went because I wanted to see if I could find someone who would keep me company, not for sex but I guess the night was in my favor as I found a beautiful star instead. He saw her blush and suggested a walk in the garden. She took his arm as he led her to the garden.

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