Pg. 149

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Natasha could see that Rebekah was near and just in time, in two days the wedding was to take place and she knew Rebekah would show up at the reception. She would not disturb the ceremony but she would disturb the reception because she had to make it known to everyone that she was against the naming of them as the future of the Covens.

Before she could have a say in this but she forgot that now she had no say in the matter as she had no coven, no name as she was not a Sire anymore, she had nothing, she had been stripped of everything and she hadn't seen that. All she could see was that she wanted to position herself and that was all. She had forgotten that now she was a wanted fugitive.

The hooves of Rebekah's slowed as she pulled back on the reins so as not to make too much noise because she didn't want anyone to know that she had escaped. She had thought of going to the Inn to stay where many were staying for the wedding but everyone there knew that she had been banished. Everywhere they knew she had been banished so what she did was a large tree and make a hole into a makeshift home for the following two days.

She would come out to feed at night on whatever animal she found although she hated animal blood. Besides that, she would stay in that hole until it was time for her to make her entrance on the day of the reception. All would be surprised to see her as if two old men could keep her confined in some barren land much less a bunch of moronic Daywalkers.

Rebekah could hear the voices the air brought of laughter and joy as Natasha, Octavian, and his family along with the Council were outside celebrating the last days of their single lives and she could feel the love that was shared amongst them and how she wished she had been Natasha but when she felt a tear form in her eye, she quickly remembers who she was and concentrated on tomorrow.

She was going to go into town and find a way to get a dress because she was not going to be able to enter the reception with what she was wearing. There would be a way for her to get a dress and what she needed because she had to be there but for now, she needed rest.

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