Pg. 160

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Rebekah got her hair done and she made sure she was dressed better than the ones she knew were going to be there to watch the presumable next Queen and King of the Clans get married. She wanted to outshine everyone there, although she could not outshine the bride because everyone had taken such a liking to her that she could marry in a burlap sack and everyone would applaud her and say she was beautifully dressed.

She grabbed her room key and since she wanted to show up at the mansion just like Cinderella would instead of taking a car she took a carriage. Natasha would not be the vampire Cinderella on this night. No, who the fuck does she think she was? She came to the Delacroix mansion with nothing, not even a piece of clothing on her, and she thought she was getting the whole package.

Octavian had to buy her clothes and everything else. She came in the back door as a bought piece of shit from an auction and now she was marrying a Prince from one of the richest vampire clans. She likes what Natasha did. She played all innocent and all it took for Octavian to marry her was for them to say that she was a virgin and wala he bought her and the rest is history.

Now she has to fight for what is rightfully hers, yes, rightfully hers, she repeated it in her mind because she knew that when she got confronted, she needed ways to explain to them how this outsider, yes outsider, as Rebekah still considered her an outsider, shouldn't get her hands on the rule of any of the clans and the heart of Octavian.

When Octavian saw the way, she was dressed he would have to admit that she did look good and he would have to push Natasha to the side. Up to this day, Rebekah still didn't know how Natasha had achieved the strength of the powers she had so soon after transforming. Not even she had that and she had to admit that was another reason she was mad and wanted to kill her.

Nowhere in all reasoning did she think that they could already have known she had escaped and they were waiting for her or thought that they knew she had escaped and they were going to let her in because a trap awaited her and yes, a trap awaited her and it was the sort of trap a mouse gets caught in and from it, there is no saving as it is death.

Valeska took off to the mansion to let Natasha know that Rebekah was on her way and to get dressed. She had never been so happy. The guard to the future Queen she loved already, the death of her enemy at her Queen's hands and in front of everyone's eyes and a man she can be happy help forever.

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