Chapter 7

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When Carminia arrived at work the next day, she got the surprise of her life, Edmondo, the youngest and who didn't talk much, met her at the door with this announcement, "Mrs. Edevane, we would like to thank you for the service you have provided us through the years but we will not need your services anymore, here are your things and here is a check that shows the amount owed to you for last week, this week and severance pay for a year until you can find a job."

"Edmondo, have I done something wrong?" "No, it's just that we don't need your services anymore, and besides there is a lady in the mansion who can do the jobs you do and put us in order." And he smiled that boyish smile of his, on any other day she would think he was someone's 17-year teenage son. But on this day as she looked at him, she knew there was something sinister about him and his brothers.

"She is the new maid?" "Mrs. Edevane, I 'am sorry, I must go, I have to attend to some business with my brother, please, take care, and thank you for all your help in the past." "May I say goodbye to Ms. Mattherson?" "She is sick in bed and has been asked to be left alone but I will tell her that you said goodbye."

Just as she was about to say something Edmondo closed the door. She could not believe it, they had fired her, how could they fire her? Why would they fire her? Could Natasha have something to do with that? She did leave her home yesterday and did not want her to come to the mansion and now today she is fired.

Just as she was asking herself all these questions she happened to look up and saw Natasha standing by the window looking down at her with a half-smile on her face, her black hair cascading down around her face but there was a different look about her, instead of the sweet and innocent look she used to have now it had been replaced by a deceitful and manipulative look, had she been wrong about her daughter all this time or had these monsters unleashed something in her that has always been there?

Before Natasha turned to leave from the window Carminia noticed the color of her daughter's eyes had changed. They were not the beautiful hazel eyes she was born with but now they were a yellow color. They had done something and it, was Octavian, he had taken Natasha away from her.

But then she thought and knew that he didn't take her because she, herself gave Natasha up for the taking when she took her to be sold and there was nothing more to do or be said, she put her purse strap over her shoulder and was going to start walking when she heard the familiar wheels of Lawrence's car. "Come Mrs. Edevane, I have been ordered by Ms. Mattherson to take you home."

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