Pg. 61

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If they had told him that the quiet, tranquil, and shy girl he bought at the auction was the one at his feet who had taken him to the heavens and back with the way she moved her tongue on his cock and how she made him come, he would not have believed it.

He helped her up and again she could feel a sensation on her teeth as she ran her tongue across them when he saw her do it, he explained to her that her gums were in some way 'making' room for her fangs to enter into their place when it was time.

She was antsy because he had been able to receive his relief but she was overly excited and she burned to relieve herself. Never before had she masturbated as she many times had heard Lydia talk about it to Damon.

When they saw her, Lydia would just say to her brother, "Damon, it's fine, all girls do it, and much more Natasha who doesn't have a man," that always hurt her because it wasn't that she didn't have one but it was that she didn't want someone to be breathing on her because he only wanted one thing and not the whole package. She didn't want someone like her brother that just fucked around because if Lydia thought she was the only one she should have asked around.

Not all of them wanted the whole package of a family, not all wanted to go all the way to the altar and maybe even have children. Many just wanted to fuck the women and leave because they already had the whole package somewhere else and the wife was blind to the whole situation.

Now things were different, she was different and she felt different things and wanted to experience different things as well, her body craved attention and not the usual kind, she wanted to explore herself and see what made it tick. 

She wanted to seduce her own body with her fingers, her hands, and what she had mastered after the beginning of this transformation.

Octavian noticed from the feelings they now shared, she needed to relieve not only the heat from the poison he had injected into her but the sexual heat that went with it and she didn't want to just leave. 

"Natasha, why don't you go and rest? After the night we have had you need to rest and if you want to sleep in tomorrow, please do dear as we will have two weeks that will take much out of the two of us but most of you and I want you to rest."

 He had experienced the sexual heat she offered and she had taken him places he never knew existed in the sexual world. If she was going to relieve herself as such, she would be very tired and tomorrow he would not wake her if she didn't come out herself.

She was happy he had offered because she didn't know how to say goodbye to him, what was she to say? 'Octavian, I'm going to my room because I'm going to fuck myself because I can't take it anymore and I need a good fucking and you don't want to touch me yet?' No, she couldn't say that.

"Thank you, my love, I think I will take a bath and go to bed, I hope you liked your surprise," she touched his crotch and he smiled taking control of himself so as not to get hard again.

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