Pg. 115

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"Hello, Mr. Cadmino, thank you for taking the time to come to my home to show my fiancée and me the different wedding designs you have, I appreciate it. Come, follow me, my fiancée is in the living room." 

She could hear his heart beating fast and without turning around she knew he was looking around the room as a mouse looking at a piece of cheese and cautious to see if it was a trap or not. As an insect in a dark room crawling on the floor attentive to see if someone is around and will get stepped on. Poor dear thought Natasha.

When they reached the living room and he saw Octavian she 'heard' him let out a deep breath, she wanted to laugh, but instead, she went ahead to what was at hand, "My love, I think you know Mr. Cadmino," "Yes I do, hello, Mr. Cadmino, how are you?" The baker knew Octavian as on occasions he had gone to buy in his bakery he didn't know that it was for feeding women he was going to feed on. In other words, Octavian was buying cakes for a sweet send-away.

"Mr. Octavian, you're the lucky groom?" "Yes, I am, and I couldn't ask for someone better." "Well, congratulations Mr. Octavian you have a lovely bride." "Thank you kindly, she tells me that you have bought us your book so that we may pick a design and you also brought us some samples?"

"Yes, I hope you will be able to find something from within my book of tasty confections, I have also started making a line of smaller cakes for what I call pre-cut wedding cupcakes. Cakes are made of cupcakes so if the guests get antsy or want something sweet during the reception they can take a cupcake. These could be placed on each table before cutting the main cake." 

Natasha and Octavian looked at each other thinking that the only thing sweet that would keep their guest entertained during the reception was the flow of warm blood slithering down their throats and that was something the baker could not offer. On the other hand, he could but it wouldn't be enough for everyone there. But Octavian said, "Dear, that sounds like an idea." "Yes, it would be something fun to have at our wedding."

As Mr. Cadmino passed the pages Octavian and Natasha saw a cake that would be perfect for their wedding, "Mr. Cadmino, can this cake be a vanilla with strawberry in between each layer?" She knew she could inject the cake with a syringe of her guest's favorite add-on once it was set up at the mansion. No reason to scare the baker.

"Yes, that can be done, so this is the cake that we are going with?" They looked at each other and said, "Yes," Octavian also added, "and can you make us about 60 of those pre-cut wedding cakes made of cupcakes?" "Yes, I could, in what flavor would you want them, Mr. Delacroix?" "Surprise us and tell me how much the damage is?" "As you are buying such a large amount, Mr. Delacroix," "please, call me Octavian," "Well, Octavian as you are buying such a large amount, I will give a discount and you don't have to pay until I bring the items." 

"Thank you very much Mr. Cadmino, I'm sure our guests will be very happy with the confections at our wedding as will we." Octavian walked him to the door and bid him goodbye but not before he paid him for his time and gas. Then he went to the living room to bid his future wife goodbye as Maximillian was looking for him to take him out.

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