Pg. 68

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"My darling I'm happy that is out of the way but talking about Mrs. Edevane, I haven't seen your mother, have you?" Natasha started laughing and as she caressed his lips with her fingernails she said, "My love I may be a newborn but I was smart enough to get rid of my mother before telling you who she was." She kissed him again and he shook his head thinking that he was happy that the mate he got was not only beautiful but smart above many other attributes that she possessed.

"Alright my love, well I also have to tell you that my outfit for the ball has come in, come so that you may see it, I hope that you will like it." On the way, Edmondo and Dario were on their way to find Octavian, "Hey bro, your outfit came," "Want to see it? I'm taking Natasha to see it."

Dario said, "Sure, although I know mine looks the best because it just has to since I'm older but don't tell Max. Cirino is talking to the tailor because he says they made his a little tight around the waist, he sounds like a woman, and he won't admit he gained weight." Edmondo started laughing, "Bro, newborn WOMAN alert, you're going to get your ass kicked and I'm going to love seeing that."

"Oh, my bad Natasha, not used to having a girl in the house, it's going to feel weird but I like it and much more that you are part of the family in all ways, oh wait Octavian, do I get to kiss the future bride?" "You do and you won't have fangs to sustain yourself with, you asshole." Edmondo and Natasha were laughing as they kept walking to Octavian's room listening to him and Dario joke around.

"Now I'm going to show you my outfit but don't touch it you hear me Edmondo and Dario and I'm serious," Dario says, "or what? are you going to run to Max to tell him? Just let me see the fucking outfit already, this isn't prom or that isn't your wedding dress and I'm not your fucking bridesmaid." Edmondo rolled his eyes, "Sis, they are always like this so get used to it."

She felt so warm inside having Edmondo call her sis, maybe this was the brother she was supposed to have all this time and she had gotten stuck with Damon but in the long run, he did her a favor as he looked where she was now and she found someone who loves her for her and not for her body.

After her sister Alisha died, she can't complain Damon and she were close but Lydia showed up and things went out the window but that is how it's supposed to be isn't it? Now it's her turn and she is happy, much joyful she cannot be.

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