Pg. 197

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Cassius took Natasha's hand and united it with Octavian's and as he held them, he announced, "I present to you, King Octavian Victorian and Queen Natasha Delacroix, may they live long." At this, everyone bowed down and then she heard the deep masculine voice of her beloved husband and King for the first time as he gave the command to arise.

Cassius walked off and took his seat at the table where all the other Council members were seated. Now it was time for the new royals to honor certain subjects of theirs by placing them with the honor of giving them a special job in the kingdom. Jobs that unless you are picked by the king or queen you will not have and in this kingdom, these jobs were for a lifetime.

Octavian went first, "As your King, I want to be able to lead you and make sure that I never make a mistake that will turn any of you from any decision that we," and he looked at Natasha, "may make and as such if anyone may think that now that a king and queen is ruling the Council will be disbanded, please be assured that will not be happening, now with that out of the way I would like to honor and place in the diverse positions who I honor."

"First, step forward Alaric, Sire of the Clan Chevaliers Noirs, kneel," Omeira looked on with such happiness on her face. "Alaric, from this day forward you will be the captain of the royal guard, take this armor which will serve to protect you and your heart as well as this sword to help you swiftly bring victory against your enemies, arise Alaric."

"Sergiu, Sergent of Clan Chevaliers Noirs, kneel," Valeska felt a warm feeling at seeing the man that she was to marry receiving the honor from the king. Her life had taken a turn for good at her meeting him and at meeting Natasha and she was happy. "Sergiu, from this day forward you will no longer be a soldier in the army of Alaric for you will now be my personnel guard. In your hands, I am placing my life as I trust and confide in you. Take this armor so that it may keep you safe from any enemies that may arise against me and this sword so that it may be swift against them, arise Sergiu."

"Step forward Bellvan," everyone was wondering why Bellvan the Day Walker was at this particular ball of the red moon but what no one knew was that on this particular night, Octavian was going to bestow on him the honor of being the head of the night security around the house or mansion whatever they wanted to call it. 

"Day Walker Bellvan, you have been very useful to our kind and have not overstepped yourself always seeking first the advice of our Council as such from this day on forward you will not carry on the title of daywalker anymore and will be called by your given name of Bellvan. You we now be the head of security here at our mansion so that you may keep the outside of our perimeters safe at all times if at any time you need help, the Council, the other princes, and both my wife as well as I will cooperate, arise Bellvan."

"Now it is my wife who has the honor of granting honor to some very special ladies." Natasha, in all her grandeur, walked toward where Octavian had been standing, he went and sat on his new throne. 

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