Pg. 35

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"Come, my love, let's go meet my other brothers." He took her hand and led her out of the library room and in search of his other brothers. He knew that around this time Edmondo would be in the exercise room as he liked to keep in shape. Although Cirino and Dario did too except they said they kept in shape when they played with their bitches in their playroom. And he went in search of Cirino and Dario.

He found them in the living room watching something on the television when he walked in. "Cirino, Dario, I would like to introduce you to Natasha, my love, these are my two crazy brothers that you saw at the auction with me, Cirino, and Dario."

She noticed how Cirino had a tattoo on his chest but no one could not say they were not brothers as they all had the same straight black hair, the same body type, muscular, good-looking, and tall.

Dario was about the same except he had more facial hair which made his face a little chubby, but he was also handsome with the same black hair, muscular body type, and tall and they all had beautiful smiles, she wondered if the youngest was the same.

"Hello Natasha, how are you? I hope that your accommodation is to your liking," "Yes, Cirino but I have yet to sleep to give you a complete rating on that." With a smile, she winked at him and he started laughing at being taken aback by the answer.

"Hi Natasha, I'm Dario and if Octavian gets out of hand, I give you permission to put him back in his place," then he came close to her and whispered, "Or you can come to me and I will gladly do it for you, sweetie." She giggled like a little girl at the thought of his big brothers setting him straight because he was out of line with her.

"Goodnight, guys, we are going to find Edmondo and then I'm going to take Natasha to her bedroom." They both looked at Natasha with a smile and bid her goodnight and a pleasant rest. She did the same.

"Octavian, I thought my bedroom was the one I was in." "No, my love, that was just where they placed you until I got home, your bedroom you will see after you meet Edmondo and I hope you will like it. If there is something you want to change from it just say so and I will have someone change it."

She could not believe this man was catering to her every need and to her every whim now if there was just a way for her to never let him find out that the person who cooks and cleans for them is the person who 'threw her to the dogs,' then everything would be good.

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