Pg. 65

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"Lawrence, what is wrong with Ms. Mattherson?" "What do you mean?" "Edmondo told me she is sick and asked not to be disturbed." "I couldn't tell you; she just sent a word to please drive you home as she was sure you would be too tired to make it home again after just arriving at the mansion, did they give you a reason why they let you go?"

"No, Edmondo just said thank you for the years of service and now there was a new lady in the house that could do all I did, that was it, nothing more nothing less." "All I do know Carminia is there is a lot of activity in the mansion, more than I have seen in past years, more than when they have their parties, and speaking about that ever since Ms. Mattherson has been in the house, they have had no parties, Maximillian, Edmondo, and the other two have been hitting the bottle and Octavian has spent his time with Natasha."

"Besides that, Carminia, they gave me two months off with pay, they said that they were going to have a family reunion and would be very busy but I remember in past years when they have had family reunions, they have never given me off that much time. And then with Mr. Octavian so taken with Natasha and she buying gowns, if you ask me Carminia, I think that Mr. Octavian and Ms. Natasha are planning nuptials."

Carminia was thinking about it but didn't want to say it out loud much less for someone else to say it but it was out in the air. Her daughter was getting married and she would not be present. All her life Natasha talked about her brother giving her away in matrimony since her father could not and even that was not going to happen. 

Natasha would probably not even ask him and he would probably say he could not make it because he was busy with school. She, the one who sold herself including her soul for him, would be too busy but if it were for the person who he fucked constantly he would come running.

If Carminia only knew how true those words were, for she indeed had sold her soul but for love, she had let herself be bonded to the soul of the darkness of a man she never knew existed and she never knew was waiting for her, he was her prince of ages and ages, he had lit her way through eons for her.

The truth of Natasha's dream, where she didn't see her mother or her brother at her wedding, was going to come true. The reason was simple, when you have something good in your hands as she had with Natasha, you learn never to cut it loose or trade it for someone who will backstab you as Damon had done to the family. 

Carminia now had seen that time had gone by and the only one he had talked to and kept in contact with was his fucking cock warmer even if it were only by phone, his girlfriend, Lydia.

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