Pg. 151

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Natasha had made her changes and was completely turned. But as many there, she could be out in the sun and not have something happen to out. As such Ambrosine and Atanasya along with Octavian's aunts, Coleta, and Drusella knew they couldn't wait until the night to see her in her dress at the ceremony. They wanted to see her dressed during the day and were going to tell her. 

"Natasha my love," said Atanasya, "it would be so lovely for you to take wedding photos of you in your dress in the daylight,  and different wedding photos with the family in the day, don't you think?" Then his aunt Coleta added, "Yes dear, it would be beautiful for you to go into the garden far from where Octavian doesn't see you before the wedding and you take photos in your dress."

Natasha started to laugh and said, "Could this have anything to do with all of you not being able to wait until tonight to see me dressed up?" His grandmother said, "My love you're killing an old woman. Please before I die, I want to see you dressed." And she winked and smiled at Natasha.

"Well, with so much coaxing what is a girl to do, I might as well but no one says anything to Octavian." She went to where she had hung her dress up and admired it before she took it off the hanger. She couldn't believe today was the day she had waited for years, today was the day she married her prince in more ways than one, today she married the man her heart was united with.

Meanwhile, as the fury of wedding preparations started, in town Carminia was in tears as she knew today was the day her daughter was to marry and she would not be there. Rebekah was taking a bath and Valeska was still watching.

Carminia thought through her tears that today was the day Natasha gave her heart to a monster but she would be happy and here she was on the outside alone because she had found out that Lydia had left to be with Damon meaning he was never coming back. That fucker had not called and now Natasha was beyond her reach.

Now she didn't have the son she had given so much to and neither did she have the daughter she sacrificed for the son; she had learned that when you have something good you should never trade it for something bad because, in the end, you are going to get fucked and in her case not in a good way.

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