Pg. 158

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On the party favor list was a photo of something she used to eat as a human child and she had to ask because she didn't think that vampires would give those out as party favors. "Tansia, this photo right here, what is this?" "Those are capsules that will be filled with the different types of blood so as not to leave anyone out. Why?" Natasha went on to explain why and Tansia almost died of the laughter.

Tansia also took the time to tell her that they asked the caterer who was also a baker to make special cookies and cupcakes for their kind. Natasha told her just to make sure to put everything by blood type because she never knew that 'her kind' would get sick if they drank the wrong type of blood.

She always thought vampires just needed and drank blood but she never knew that each needed a specific type. So far, she could drink whichever and it didn't bother her, she even drank from her future husband's cup, and it didn't affect her maybe in the future she would develop a certain type or her palate would not be picky. It would just be a matter of time.

She couldn't believe two weeks had gone by so fast but they had and tonight she would be in the bed of the man she loved, the man that would share her bed tonight and every night for the rest of her life and although at one time this thought would have scared her on this evening it did not, on this evening as she was taking a bath to soon dress for the wedding she delighted in that fact.

Rebekah had awoken and was also happy that the sun had gone down which meant the wedding was just a couple of hours away. The time of her putting an end to the talk of Natasha becoming the future queen would be over because the future queen would be she.

She knew that all there at the reception would be surprised and she knew that quickly the judges, especially Cassius, would call upon Alaric but she would not go quietly this time, she would hit the apple of hate right in the middle before Alaric could get to her and that would be Natasha.

Then she would make sure she danced a dance over her ashes to show her that there was no way anyone could have beaten her. And as for Valeska, she would once again leave her alone and make sure that on the way out Sergiu fell dead as killing Natasha for a certain amount of time, she would have her powers and her powers Rebekah had seen were strong.

There was no way Valeska was going to live a happy life with Sergiu, thought Rebekah. No, that's not the way things are in her world. If she couldn't be happy no one was going to be happy. Soon she would be happy because it was getting close to bitch killing time, time for her to get ready because she would have to find a way into the reception and that would have to be through the back door of the mansion as she had noticed no one was ever there.

She just didn't know that Octavian and his brothers had talked with Council about everything that could go wrong and one of those had been her escaping and which way she could get in without being noticed and they all said at the same time...THE BACK they took special measures with security towards the back side of the mansion. 

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