Pg. 112

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Judge Hearst saw how Rebekah was with her body shaking slightly and it wasn't because she was nervous. He knew she didn't like the idea that she had been banished to the Land of the Souls so he wanted to add salt to the wound and added, "You are not only stripped of being a Sire but you may also never, but never form any type of clan or be in any type of leadership in a Coven." 

Rebekah could not believe what she was hearing and asked, "Never can I be a Sire and have a clan or at least be a helper of a Sire in a Coven?" This time Judge Trenton answered, "No you cannot because it won't be recognized by this Council."

Judge Elizabeth then said, "You have been stripped of your powers by this Council who sit in front of you on this day, and be happy that we didn't take off your head and see your body on the floor in ashes for what would have happened if we had believed Alaric and his clan had done such a thing to Palmaria and also with what you were planning on doing with the children." 

Rebekah heard Natasha's voice in her mind as she said, 'I would love to see that but then again I will when I do it.' Her face looked drained of blood and her eyes looked as if they had seen death upon her by way of a fireball from the sky aimed at her. Rebekah had a vision of herself being in the middle of Victoire and Natasha as they killed her and it was not a pretty sight.

Rebekah had never suffered in her human life but she was suffering now as a vampire and worse yet with that fucking voice in her head, how could this be happening to her? To her? She is the one who causes bad things to happen to others not the other way around, what has happened?

"When do I leave?" "You leave immediately Rebekah, Alaric and his clan will take you or as you call them, the judicial envoy, goodbye Rebekah and we wish never to see you again." This time she looked at Natasha as Alaric was binding her. Natasha worded with her lips, 'fuck you bitch.' And with a smile stood there watching as they bonded Rebekah.

At the moment Rebekah felt so defeated but she knew she would be back and get her revenge on the person she wanted and it wasn't on any of the Judges. Although, she should because they banished her but no, she wanted her revenge on Natasha because she had all that she wanted.

Rebekah lowered her head as she walked by the Judges in shame not because of what she had done but because she had got caught. She went by them all the time wishing she could say that she would be back and stronger. Wishing she could lash out at Judge Elizabeth and finish the job she sent her newborns to do eons ago. How Natasha wished the Judges could hear this, especially what had to do with Judge Elizabeth.

All of a sudden Judge Elizabeth jumped from her seat and said, "If you think that will happen then you need a lesson before you go," Rebekah lifted her head and opened her eyes wide, "what Judge Elizabeth? I haven't said anything, I don't need a lesson."  Rebekah knew what a lesson was to a vampire and she could not get a lesson at this moment. Freeing herself from Alaric's hand she got on her knees as she said, "No, I beg you." 

Judge Elizabeth and  Blair were the only ones who 'heard' mentally what the other Judges thought as such the Council let them, Elizabeth and Blair, decide what to do as a lesson to Rebekah. Elizabeth and Blair had already made up their minds, everyone had taken so much shit from Rebekah and she had never been caught doing anything that now that she had, they were 'throwing the book' at her.

Judge Blair spoke, "Begging won't help, many begged you and you looked the other way now it is up to us to do the same and show no mercy as you don't deserve to be shown mercy," he looked at Maximillian who understood what his look meant. "Alaric, this mansion has a lesson room, please take her to it and shackle her ankles as well as her wrists, and thank you."

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