Pg. 80

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Countess spoke, "My dear, since Octavian's grandfather is here it would be his honor to walk you to the ceremony table as he would be presenting you to not only Octavian but to the clans to witness your complete transformation as mate of his grandson. And it would be Ambrosine's honor if you let her help you dress for tonight."

"Thank you for telling me, Countess Elizabeth, I was thinking of asking her but wasn't sure." "That is no problem, Natasha, for now, I am going to get my clan which by now you know is the Yorkshire clan or coven so they may come to help the boys with whatever needs to be finished. I'm sure you have some last-minute arrangements as we only have about 4 hours until the ceremony and I smell something delicious." Natasha smiled at her and again thanked her before Countess Elizabeth left.

Natasha then went in search of Ambrosine and found her in the garden, "Ambrosine, I was wondering if you would do me the honor and help me dress for tonight's ceremony." "You are asking me, Natasha?" "Yes, Aunt Ambrosine, would you?" 

"You have made an old lady very happy Natasha; you don't know how happy you have made me and yes, I will help you dress besides seeing you completely turn helping you dress will be the highlight of my night but don't tell Octavian or he will get jealous."

Natasha started to laugh as Octavian was just a couple of feet away from them and heard them. He looked at his aunt and shook his finger at her, she looked at him and said, "Sorry baby but someone has taken your place and she is much prettier." 

She didn't want to laugh but Natasha couldn't hold it back and Octavian said, "You will pay for that on our honeymoon." "You do something to my baby girl OR you don't do something and you will have to face me, you understand nephew?" "Yes, Auntie." And he came by and kissed her on the cheek as he kissed his soon-to-be future bride.

"Cuz, guess who is checking out the outside? The fucking bitch! Why can't someone just do away with her already?" Judge Hearst heard Nikolaj and knew he was talking about Rebekah, it was true no one wanted her around and wished she was ashes but she had done nothing to bring death upon herself and until then they would have to accept her when she was around.

"Young Nikolaj, you know better than that, we do not wish ill will on any of us no matter how much of evil of heart they may be, let's just get through this weekend, and then we can all go back to our territories and she can go back to her home. We already talked to her so she should be of no trouble and let's not give her a reason to start any."

"Yes sir." Safira and his other sister Kajetana shook their head at Judge Hearst as they understood what he meant and went upstairs with their brother probably to get ready for the night festivities as the family had to be there first.

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