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"I will let your beloved answer that," Octavian sat in front of her so that he could be face to face with her probably to see her reaction and take her hands in his because he liked to feel them in his and also possibly to see if she was trembling with all the information, she was receiving. But he noticed she was calm and just waiting for answers.

"My love remember Maxmillian was talking about my mother?" "Yes, I remember," "Well one thing he didn't tell you is that besides being cold ones, we are also of royal blood because our mother, Victoire was a princess of England when she was turned. She was in love with the eldest son of one of the dukes so as not to lose him she turned him also and as such we are purely born vampires and of royal blood. At you marrying me you would be marrying a prince of the house of Delacroix and prince of the clan of the same name and that is why your veil would be placed on a princess tiara."

"Now I understand, and how did your mother die?" "Being a princess of England, you can imagine what her mother thought of her eldest daughter being a bloodsucker. She got together a royal guard group besides others to set fire to the house with all of us in the house. Edmondo was only 5 years old, vampire or not he was a child. But our parents had sent us to the forest to feed on the thieves that lurked in the forest, my mother would say they were worthless people and deserved to die because all they did was steal and rape women."

"When we got back home, we found the house burned and a stake through their hearts, she was holding a photo of us in her hands and..." Tears started to flow from his eyes as she kissed them away and Maximillian knew a wedding was happening as no other girl would touch his brother knowing everything, she had just heard about him and them as a family.

"My love Octavian, together we can get through anything that happened and that may arise," she took his hand and placed it on her chest and it was as if she had given him a jolt of love from her heart and he felt rejuvenated knowing that she was his forever. He looked at Maximillian and he told him, 'Octavian, congratulations, she is your mate but you still have to wait until she asks you to turn her.' He knew that was true and hoped that now that she knew, that request would come soon.

"There is something that I have to confess to you Natasha, and I am sorry, but the man that was in your dream was I, and I can't make you mine yet but I wanted to make you feel what it will be like to be with me." He was on his knees begging for forgiveness and she took his face and kissed him and when she did, she saw a clear view of how happy she would be with him. 

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