Pg. 99

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Rebekah, who was at the Inn, was not aware that almost half of her clan had made allies with other clans and had left in the early morning or late at night after the ball had finished. When she didn't see one or another of her newborns, she thought they might be starry-eyed with the Council or with that bitch, Natasha, and didn't even bother to go check, if she had she would have seen they were not there.

Newborns to any other clan would come in handy because they could be trained as if they were babies and, in any fight, or discussion, this would help. The clans that accepted the newborns were mostly the ones that did not account for many in their clans or didn't give a fuck about pissing off Rebekah.

After waiting and they were nowhere Rebekah finally decided to go to the Delacroix mansion to see if her newborns were there. She found Mr. Lawrence and she didn't want to bother anyone so she asked him about her newborns, "Ms, they are not here." "What do you mean they are not here? They have to be because they are not at the Inn so if they are not there and they are not here, then those assholes..." "Ms. excuse me I have to continue my work."

Natasha heard Rebekah's voice outside and excused herself as did Maximillian because for some reason he sensed that Natasha had powers she wasn't letting anyone know. Rebekah continued talking to Mr. Lawrence, "Go on you, antiquated man." And she pushed him not noticing that Natasha was watching her until she heard Natasha's voice.

"Better to be an antiquated man and have friends and be loved than to be a fucking bitch who is hated by everyone even by people who you just met, i.e. me, and are loved by no one. Can't even get a good fuck unless you offer a man something like whores do."

Rebekah had her fist tight and by then everyone inside had come out including the Council and they had heard what Natasha had told her, Edmondo and Nikolaj stood back because they started laughing.

Natasha walked until she was in front of Rebekah and continued, "That is such a shame, Rebekah from what I hear you have men in your clan, can't any of them give you a good fuck? Or at least let you suck their cock?"

Rebekah could hear the laughter in the back of the boys and was about to do something when Natasha said, "Listen bitch, changing the subject this I know to be true and that is that unless someone in this household invited you to come, which I doubt, you have no right to be here and you are crossing territory so I suggest you get your spider-webbed cunt off my property."

Rebekah couldn't take it anymore and blew up. "Listen, this is not your property yet so you can't tell me to leave, and besides who are you to say anything to me? I am Sire Rebekah and you must respect me, do you hear me?"

Natasha yawned as if bored and when Rebekah finished talking, Natasha said, lifting her left hand so Rebekah could see her engagement ring, "Rebekah, look good, to answer your question, the ring I have on my finger gives me the right to tell you to get the fuck off of this property, and about respecting you, I respect you as much as I respect the shit my horses take, and about you being a Sire, you are as much a Sire as the milkman in town is a cow, have you taken note of your clan? No? Well, let me help you, asshole, THEY HAVE LEFT YOU!!!!"

"After you pulled that little stunt with me, trying to make me look stupid and it backfired on you they saw what an ass they had for a Sire and decided to break free." Rebekah looked at her then at the Council, Cassius spoke up, "Yes Rebekah, they came early asking if they could change to live with other clans, and as newborns, they have the choice to do so as they are new."

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