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She for the first time started to feel and see images maybe the words they had just said to each other were in some sort of way vows of some kind. She saw an image of them standing at an altar but it was not in a church but at some type of garden wedding and it was at night, from what she could see it was beautiful.

The arch was made of branches of lights that lit her way as she walked down the aisle and instead of her brother walking her down the aisle as she always planned there was someone else who looked friendly and older who was walking her down the aisle and she looked at the man with loving eyes. She didn't know who he was but he looked so handsome as he smiled at her and welcomed her to the family. When she looked forward, there was the man she loved, Octavian with a big smile on his face waiting for her.

Edmondo, who was serving as his best man, was alongside him. She saw people keep coming to the wedding, some in groups, others as couples but no one she knew. Then she heard the music for her to start and as she started to walk, she searched for her mother and brother or maybe Lydia, in the image but found it strange she didn't see any of them, why if she were getting married wouldn't they be there? And, why wouldn't Damon be walking her down the aisle?

She wondered what was the significance of this vision besides the other ones she had been having and it always had to do with Octavian, which she did not know why. She hoped in time she would come to understand the visions she was having or that now that she knew that Octavian meant no harm to her, she could ask him and he would tell her.

Well if she knew that the pain, she felt in her heart was the cords of her 'adjusting' themselves to belong to a new life, a life where she would no longer be human but would be part of the undead because that is the only way she could be with the man she was going to be with. A man who would treat her with respect, care, and love her for her, giving her all that she has wanted physically and emotionally.

He knew she had seen something but did not know what it was because they were not completely connected. How he wished they were so he could be able to explain to her what they meant to each other and what he was and everything. How he had waited so long for her.

He wondered what his life would have been if she had not come into his life, he felt so lonely and on occasions had even thought about crossing territory lines just to get in a fight with a brood and get himself killed so he wouldn't have to live with his loneliness anymore but Maximillian had heard his thoughts and helped him and for that, he is grateful because now he is filled with happiness.


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