Pg. 134

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Rebekah would not have to wait for newborns because none would be coming. And those that would appear let's just say they would be the torch that lit the way for her as the words that Natasha had inculcated into Alaric and Sergiu's mind, had also transferred to the Shera's. Not only that but what Rebekah had thought was true. Tarek didn't know which way to send the newborns as the route that Alaric took wasn't known to anyone but himself, not even Sergiu knew that way.

The Day Walkers had already received word from Lord Zela who was you could say the warden of the Land of the Souls that a convoy was coming. He let the Day Walkers know how many and how they would be dressed, as well as the reason why they were coming so that in this way they would not kill them thinking they were coming to cause trouble by trying to 'rescue' someone.

Rebekah found it funny how Lord Zela and the head of the Day Walkers had such a close relationship but if it were on any other day Lord Zela's head would be rolling on the ground and his body would be in ashes at the hands of the Day Walkers. 

As she thought about it a vision came into her mind and it was of the nuptials of that bitch with Octavian but how could that be? She knew that Alaric had been invited and he would be there, who was putting these visions in her head, then she had another where Natasha was killing her and right now her brain felt as if it had been set on fire.

Her eyes were blurry and teary and her throat felt dry, she felt as if someone were killing her from the inside out but who could it be? Why did she feel this way? She was very sure that it could not be Natasha because she was a newborn and royal or not, she could not possess powers this early on.

Alaric was not going to be doing this to her, he was busy paying attention to where they were going and calling ahead to Lord Zela every so often to let him know how the ride there was going. The Sheras didn't give a damn and if they wanted her dead they would let Valeska do it as they all knew she hated her and there was a reason. No, everyone in the convoy just wanted to get to where they needed to without any sort of problems.

They really had thought about everything when it came to her transport and nothing that she had planned mattered but with one swoop she would get back at them, as soon as she took out their beloved Princess Natasha, how even thinking those words made her want to throw up but they would all fall. That bitch Natasha was just a new toy for all of them including Octavian. She had them eating out of her hand but soon enough that would be over with.

All she needed was to keep her patience and in a couple of days find a way to leave the territory of the Land of the Souls without getting caught by one of the Daywalkers. For now, she had to be careful since she didn't have any powers and she couldn't send word to Tarek or anyone who could lend her a hand in helping to escape.

Even if she could get the word out it's not like anyone would come to help her knowing that she had been banished. No one was going to get into trouble with the Council and be banished to this God-forsaken place or risk getting killed by the Daywalkers.

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