Pg. 144

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Natasha was happy she now had someone who would help her and not ask questions about how she knew things because as her confidant and knowing she was the princess Valeska was so proper she didn't question anything Natasha said except of course only if it were going to get her in trouble with her general Alaric or with the Council. When Valeska knew that it was to keep a close eye on Rebekah and the ending would be seeing her death front row, she was delighted.

As Rebekah entered with the Lords she looked around and saw exactly what they had told her so many times this place looked like, barren, instead of trees there were dry sticks from the ground, and as she kept looking a couple of vampires came running and ripped some leaves that were left on what did look like a tree and she thought, 'fuck, vampire's, on a diet since they were eating salad.' Natasha died laughing.

Now it wasn't only because she wanted to kill Natasha that she wanted to get out of this place but because she wasn't going to die eating salad. "Rebekah, you are free to go and roam wherever you wish on this land but before you take leave you have some arrangements to make with Lord Rovir, I on the other hand bid you farewell."

She thought, 'What arrangements?' and quickly was answered. "Rebekah, part of your punishment is that you report to me at the time that I set for you as a curfew and although you may be wishing right now that you automatically burn into ashes because of everything that is being imposed you brought it upon yourself as such it is a condition of your punishment, you should have behaved and been a better Sire and you wouldn't be in this predicament, taking into consideration your uncle I will give you the latest time on my schedule which is 10:00 p.m."

"10:00 p.m.? Does that mean that after I check in with you, I have to go to sleep at that time?" "No, it only lets me know that you are on the property, so make sure you find a way to get to me before 10:00 p.m. every night and check in, let me tell you, Rebekah, Lord Zela although he may not be your real uncle, he was very upset when he saw your name on the sheet of transport. You may not know this but he cares for you as if you were his niece, as he was your father's best friend closer than a brother, and when your father died Lord Zela took care of you until you ran away and although he looked for you, he never found you and now look."

Yes, she ran away because she couldn't stand the rules he set and the curfew was ridiculous, she couldn't live that way. No, she didn't like to have restraints placed on her or her activities. And now after eons she has curfews and restraints and even a fucking tattoo that makes her stay in place otherwise she gets blown to fucking hell.

Natasha could see Rebekah right now looking for some material to make herself some kind of sleeping apparatus since this was one place, she was not going to manipulate anyone to get her things or give her their things. This was the one place she would have to fend for herself.

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