Pg. 156

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As the sun went down Octavian was as he had never been before in his life and that was nervous. Soon he would be seeing his love and soon he would be taking the vows that would completely unite him with the woman that he had waited his whole life for. Soon he would not be her boyfriend he would be the pillar of the foundation of a home, and he would unite with his beloved.

Soon he would be able to introduce her not as his future wife but as his wife, and future mother of his children as they had spoken and had decided on having children, he wished his parents were alive and had witnessed not only their marriage but also be there to be in the lives of their future grandchildren. But he could feel in the air their spirits and that kept his heart happy.

The question was what would he do when he saw Natasha coming down the aisle dressed in his mother's wedding dress? He didn't know that her dress had been saved. He didn't know that most of his mother's things had been saved for these occasions, for the occasions when one of them, whoever was the first to find his mate, use her dresses and such but only if she approved of the girl just as she had of Natasha.

All day he had been thinking, what could her wedding dress look like? Who helped her choose it? The information about her dress had been kept a Fort Knox secret. Never in a million years would he think it would be his mother's wedding dress and when he sees it on her it will not only be a huge shock to him but to many who knew Victoire.

Seeing that Natasha not only wore Victoire's betrothment ball gown but also her wedding dress in this way honoring her mother-in-law which was one of the highest forms of honor would be beyond everyone's delight and much more when inside of Natasha in a sense lived the heart of Victoire.

Octavian felt pride in the words his father had told him when he was alone in his room. He let him know how proud he was of him and of the man he had grown up to be. As well as the woman he had chosen. He knew the qualities she had and together they would form not only a beautiful family but a strong rule over the kingdom. He blessed their union and never to forget that although they are not there they are watching and their love continues with them.

Then his father proceeded to pass on the powers he could as he is the one to be named King in the following ball to take place and he could not believe that such things were happening to him and then he thought that it was all because of one word that all this was happening to him and that was because of .... LOVE.

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