Pg. 49

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"Baby, I do not have to forgive you for that, I felt things that I had never felt before, and that has made me want them more and want them with you even before I knew you were the man in the dream because I have been attracted to you ever since the day you touched my hands and I don't know why all I care is that you feel the same way too."

"I do feel the same way, my love but there is something that you have to figure out yourself that neither Maximillian nor I can tell you so that you and I unite our hearts into an eternity of love as one."

"Can I guess what it is?" "No, Natasha, if the feelings you have for Octavian are true which from what I see they are, you will figure it out very soon but please do not get mad at any of us for there is no way we can help you figure it out, especially Octavia." 

"I do know that it does have to do with a change and the change has to do with me..." She got up and went to the window as she thought it over and then she remembered how they said their mother had been turned and she was in love with the son of a duke and to not lose him she turned him so that is what was involved. She is not a vampire so she needs to ask him to turn her as his mother turned his father.

She walked back to him, "Octavian, in all my visions I noticed I was not myself; my skin had a different hue and my eye color was different, and thinking about how you both told me your parents became each other's forever love I know what it is. My love, my heart wants to share the love you have for mine and connect for eternity and unite as one. As such I'm asking without any doubts or regrets of any sort to make me yours completely and turn me."

Maximillian who had let Octavian talk on his own and had continued reading his book at hearing these words looked up from the pages of the book and smiled as he said, "You two pick time and place and I will start on arrangements of the mating ceremony."

Octavian picked her up and swung her in the air as happy as he was, she was too, she had found what she had wanted.... ¡¡¡LOVE!!!

"What did Maximillian mean by the time and place?" "This is not like in the movies where I want you and you want to be turned and right here I bite you and you instantly turn into a vampire, no my love, we pick a place that is quiet and private because you see my love when I change you, you will feel pain like no other, it will feel like every bone in your body is being crushed and there is venom in your blood."

Now she knew why she saw herself in so much pain in her vision as she kept that part of the vision out of what she told them. "I don't care Octavian about the pain, I just want to be with yours, my love. I would like you to turn me tonight, under the stars, while we are in the garden, would that be alright?"  "Yes, that is perfect."

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