Pg. 185

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Alaric had been hanging around the mansion because Omeira had decided to stay as the ball was in four weeks and she didn't want to go and return. She had always hated traveling and not only that but now that she and Alaric were mated, they were spending as much time together as they could.

Natasha was glad some of the family members had stayed because they could help her send out thank you cards for the presents Octavian and she received at their wedding besides the ones she received at the ceremony.

Ambrosina said she was surprised some of the clans showed up with gifts for her betrothment ceremony because that was not usual in this type of celebration. But as she had said it wasn't bad when someone gave you gifts as such Natasha wanted to send everyone who had given her a gift a thank you card as well as who had attended their wedding as many had to travel from afar.

Word had gotten to Carminia that the prince of the mansion had gone on his honeymoon and all were happy for him. She was the least happy of all for she knew that not only had he gone on his honeymoon but her daughter had gone on honeymoon and she had received news from someone she trusted that the reason why Damon sent for Lydia was because she was carrying his child from their last escaped before he left.

Son now she not only would not see her son or daughter but she would neither see her grandchild for she yet was to know what it was. Carminia could not take the pain anymore and every time she decided to take pills she received the same sensation as the first time, she would see small yellows asps which would disappear.

She could not shoot herself or poison herself so she did the next best thing and went to the highest bridge she knew off and jumped by the time Octaviana and Natasha had arrived from their honeymoon the news that a body had washed up on the shore was all over the town.

Edmondo came running, "Dario, I just heard," since Natasha could also 'hear' she paid attention, "what boy?" "Remember Mrs. Edevane? The elderly that used to work for us for years?" "Yes, I know who she is, what about her?" "Well, Nikolaj and I were down there and I guess life got to be too much for her and they just fished her body out of the lake, it looks as if she jumped."

Natasha thought she would feel something but she didn't and then she remembered the news she got this morning and figured Carminia also received it which was that the bitch of Lydia was with child and she knew that she would never see that kid.

"Did she have any family, Dario?" "I don't know, she never talked about herself and much less her family but if she doesn't, we will take care of the arrangements, let me send Mr. Lawrence to the necessary departments in town to get that squared away." "Alright, I will tell Maximillian and the rest later since now they are in with the Council."

Dario could not help but think what could be so bad in Mrs. Edevane's life that drove her to take her own life. If it had to do with her life, he knew she would have come and talked about that and asked for it just like she did the first time. He knew she would not have been scared of Natasha, if she were, why would that be? Natasha was not the sort of woman to be scared of.

If only he knew why she was fearful of Natasha or the situation or why her heart hurt as much as it did and what drove her to do what it did then he would understand.

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