Pg. 186

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After the Council meeting was over Octavian went in search of his new bride and found her in the middle of his cousins as they addressed thank you card envelopes and he thought better his cousins than him as he hated all that sort of stuff.

"Well, well, now that we have finished my love the cats can scat because I have come for you and we are tired from our trip." Omeira looked at him and smiling at Natasha replied, "ouch, a cat good one cousin, so tell me you are that old that she tried you out that quickly?" And knowing her cousin she ran before he could catch her. 

Natasha started laughing and replied, "it's not because of the youth cuz it's because of the fact that I learned, I'm a very good student." And she winked at her. Octavian was surprised by her answer and looking at her said, "you will get yours soon enough." Again, she started to laugh and loved being in this setting something that she had never been in.

Holding her hand, they said goodnight to everybody as they walked to their side of the mansion. It was decided that the right side of the mansion would be off-limits to everybody and that would serve as Octavian and Natasha's home in this way they would be in the home but at the same time have their own home. Natasha was happy with that arrangement as she did not want to leave the mansion, she would miss the banter between brothers and also, she would miss the fun times within the family unit.

When they reached their 'wing' of the mansion for fun his brothers had placed a ribbon that said 'The king's and queen's quarters,' she laughed as she handed him the scissors to cut the ribbon. When they stepped over, she felt a feeling of happiness overpower her and she knew that it was the happiness of having all she had ever wanted in her life and having their heartstrings completely tied to each other that made her feel this way.

As they opened the door to the bedroom, she gasped at seeing such a beautiful bedroom besides the one Octavian had done up for her when she had been brought to the mansion on that very first day.

Besides the beauty of the room, she now had her love to share it with. He was utterly surprised at how much effort they put into making their return so special and he knew it had to do with how much his cousins loved Natasha because he knew they would not fix up a room like this for him. And he didn't think his brothers had the type of dexterity to pull a renovation of a bedroom this good, no, this was done by the hands of women.

On a table off to the side was a bottle of champagne in a bucket of ice with two glasses and both of them knew it was their special champagne. There were also fresh flowers in the room and oils. They had not forgotten about anything. Natasha would thank them later for the effort and all the time she knew it too to get this beautiful room fixed for them.

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