Pg. 75

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After she thanked Ambrosine for the beautiful bracelet she walked towards the girls who had arrived as they were going to be her bridal party. She had no mother; Lydia was a warming glove for her brother's cock and by now she didn't even know what story her mother had even told them about what had happened to her or where she was. She probably told them she took off with men they probably thought she was a whore by now but fuck them.

She had gotten to know Edmondo's cousins in the days they had been there and she had seen so much about what beautiful they were inside and out. She could truly say she had found not only family in them but also friends. When Octavian found out how close his girl cousins and Natasha had gotten he put his hand on his forehead and rolled his eyes. She laughed when she found out that it was because he knew they were telling her everything about him, but EVERYTHING.

When she asked them to be in her bridal party, she had never heard screams so loud, Edmondo and Nikolaj came running as well as others to see if something had happened. Tansia, Edmondo's cousin, told him that yes there was something wrong. Since she was standing next to Natasha, he quickly went to her and asked what, she said, "Look down, there's an ant and it's going to carry me off." He pushed her and she fell into a seat as Natasha told them to leave him alone and turned and winked at him.

Carminia had been thinking of the family reunion Lawrence had told her about and she heard that people had come from out of town. Although the family had come from out of town before for reunions not this many. And they had been buying up much of the stuff in the stores. 

She thought to herself how could it be possible that these people would be attending her daughter's wedding, people Natasha had never seen before in her life, and here she was the mother of the bride and she would never get to see the wedding? She, who was the mother of the bride whose heart was bursting because she wanted to be there, wouldn't be.

She had gone to the clothes shops to find herself some housedresses and found most of them full of beautiful ladies, young and older ones looking at beautiful gowns and she knew it had to be for Natasha's and most likely Octavian's wedding.

Looking through the window she saw a tall beautiful girl with a black dress on and how beautiful the dress looked. How she so wanted to just go straight up to one of them and ask if one of the princes of the mansion was getting married and if yes, when, with whom but, would they tell her?

How she wishes she could be there on that special day. if she only knew that the special day everyone was shopping for was not for a wedding, well not yet. The special day everyone was buying for was for the death of her human soul and the revival of her eternal life with Octavian as his one and only true mate.

What would she say if she knew that her only daughter was going to be walking dead among the living? She was going to be of cold heart in a world of warm hearts, next to her she would be of cold skin and only be warm of heart when she was with Octavian. 

Carminia had lost all she had once lost for loving the one person who didn't give a fuck about her and now the one who did give a shit about her and whom she sacrificed she has lost forever for her heart has been sacrificed for the one thing that everyone looks for and she finally found...LOVE.

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