Pg. 162

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Rebekah could see the mansion was on full lights tonight. But she was not the only one Carminia was at home going through boxes of tissues crying her eyes out because tonight was the wedding of her daughter and she was going to be nowhere in sight. Tons of people were at the Delacroix mansion except her.

For all she knew, his family could be asking her about her mother and she could be telling them her mother was deceased or gave her away for adoption or be telling people the truth, that her mother didn't give a fuck about her and sold her. How sick the truth did sound, she sold her to finance the life of a good for nothing that now doesn't even know she exists.

The truth is that her mother cared more for her son of a bitch son and he in turn couldn't even care if she breathes or dies. After everything she did for him including selling his sister instead of talking to her, what he preferred to do was save his money from his job and send a ticket to his little cock warmer, his girlfriend.  

Now here she was with two children, her son gone off living a good life with his girlfriend, and the daughter that loved or had at one time loved, she didn't know at this moment which, but Natasha was getting married and after what she had done to her what a mother shouldn't.

She knew she had taken Natasha for granted many times and neglected her when she most needed a mother but like they say karma is a bitch and boy did karma do a number on her, it has left her alone to fend for herself without a husband, nor children to take care of her in her old age and who knows what else might come her way.

Rebekah had reached the mansion and although the security men at the front knew who she was they had been given strict orders to let her get through. She smiled with glee inside knowing she was getting in and Natasha could do nothing to stop her once she was in.

Valeska was still watching her and now it was easier because she was dressed for the wedding. She also looked for her handsome Sergiu and her heart could tell he was close by and close by he was.

He grabbed her from the back pinning her against the wall softly kissing her and telling her, "My love, finally the wait is over, tonight will also be our night, I love you, my sweet love."

Then they heard how they were asking the guests to find their seats as the wedding was going to start in 5 minutes, "My dear Sergiu, do you like me in my dress or my Shera gear?" "Can I say out of both of them?" He smiled at her as they both walked in different directions towards the seating area, she wanted to check one last time on Rebekah. 

Rebekah was happy that no one had noticed who she was. She thought no one did but the men had already let Maximillian know that she was there and they told him how she was dressed. The trap had been set. He would tell Natasha but she already knew and was happier than she could ever be. Trap set, rat caught, next comes KILL!!!!

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