Pg. 96

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As Octavian was on his way to his room, he thought about how soon he would be a wedded groom and have Natasha by his side, then it hit him how he always wished for love but he never believed he would be called the prince of the Delacroix mansion because he had found his mate and was getting married. He always thought he would be called the prince of the Delacroix mansion for the simple reason that he was a prince of the family line.

Also, he never thought the Council would be addressing him as a prince of the Delacroix mansion so early on. His brothers and he knew one day a time would come when one of them would be considered to rule as king of their 'world' and unite all the clans when they found a mate and have their mates help. It was always best to have the help of the Council as well since they brought control in various situations.

His dream had finally come true, he had wanted someone he could spend time with, whom he could love and care for and receive the same in return. Someone who would win over his brothers and not only that but respect them as they would her.

His brothers were a big part of his life and much more considering who and what they were who were respected men of a royal line. He had wanted someone smart, kind, passionate, and caring and he had found all that and much more in Natasha.

She had won over not only his brothers but also his entire family, the Sires, their clans, and the Council, which is a difficult feat as the Judges look for every imperfection a person has and haven't found anything wrong with Natasha. They didn't get any bad signs from her and were very happy with her. 

They like to see how a person female or male acts in front of them and in front of all others because that is how they will be acting in the future. They need to see how they will conduct themselves especially if they will be in a royal position and they got to see a part of her today.

The only thing missing from making all his dreams come true was getting rid of Rebekah for good but as Maximillian said, he would not get involved because now that he had all he wanted he was not going to lose it because Rebekah felt the need to win and he was not going to give her the satisfaction of winning.

Then he thought as he sat on his bed that maybe he would get all he wanted by listening to Maximillian because if Rebekah rushed to try something to get Natasha ousted, she might make a false step or rub one of the Judges in the wrong way and she would end up being banished for life. Many clans want that as well as the Council wants it. They know she is not good, but they have to set a good example and not take advantage of their position.

They needed to wait until she trespasses on another territory without permission or, try something on a Judge where there are witnesses to be able to banish her, and up to now no such luck maybe this week luck will be on their side. 

Maximillian knew that the Council was also in danger of Rebekah's wrath because they didn't pay attention to her as such, he was going to tell Nikolaj and Edmondo to accompany the Judges EVERYWHERE they went. The Judges were going to spend the time of the wedding with them so they didn't have to travel, they didn't mind the company.

Their family was also going to stay the length of days of the wedding so the Judges would have company. Besides, Maximillian thought in this way his family could continue to get to meet the new future Mrs. Delacroix and help her to get the plans for the wedding finished. 

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