Pg. 72

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"What about the other two? how did they get to be turned?" "Serbian and Exeter?" She shook her head. "Serbian was enlisted in the militia and somehow he had been separated from his troops as he was resting. Then he heard some noise and it was some of his men who had shown up in front of him and of course, he was happy only he hadn't known that they had been ambushed by members of a clan that consisted of only women and these men had been bitten. He was so tired he hadn't noticed the color of their skin or eyes and of course their teeth and besides, it was dark so there was no way he could tell and he was attacked."

"And Exeter?" "Exeter's village was going through the sickness of tuberculosis and when the physician entered his home to listen to his family's hearts to see if they were alive or dead, he said they were all deceased. He didn't notice that Exeter's heart was still beating, it was just not going fast. So, they took his family along with him and threw them in a heap of dead bodies.  When the night came and the nightwalkers came looking for someone to feed on one of them smelled his blood and well the rest is history."

"All the judges will be at the ceremony for they are the ones specifically that have to see that you have been turned as tradition says for I to take you as my mate you have to be fully turned. Only they can give their blessing for our matrimony." "Now I am worried Octavian because what if they were to say no to our lifetime binding?" "My love, you have bonded with me in more ways than one when I said they can give their blessing that is only a formality because once two have bonded it means they were meant for one another as we are."

Just as they were talking, they heard a knock on the door and Octavian took her hand and went to see who was at the door when he opened it, he received the biggest surprise of his life. "Nikolaj!!!! what a surprise!!!" It was his cousin which he hadn't seen and he wasn't sure he would come. "Well, are you going to invite me in, or are you going to leave me standing outside until nighttime?" He was resistant to the sun and could come out during the day. "No, no come in Nikolaj, my love this is my cousin."

"Ah, this is the beautiful maiden I have been hearing in the convents that you have finally found and a beauty she surely is." Nikolaj turned to Natasha and holding her hand he said, "je mi cťou konečne spoznať ženu, ktorá robí môjho bratranca šťastným."

On any other day, she would not know what he said to her and would just have smiled but on this day, she knew what he said to her, 'It is an honor to finally meet the woman who makes my cousin happy.' And on this day, she also was able to answer him in the same language which she knew was Slovak.

"Tiež ma robí šťastným a je mi potešením vás spoznať, vojsť a nájsť vašich ďalších bratrancov. Musíte byť smädní, aký typ by ste chceli?" (He also makes me happy and it is a pleasure to meet you, come enter and let's find your other cousins. You must be thirsty, what type would you like?)"

He smiled at her, and looked at Octavian, "Yes, she's a keeper, where can I put an order for one just like her?" Just as Octavian was going to say something Edmondo was coming down the hallway and saw Nikolaj. "Nikolaj!!!!!!!!!!!! What's up, cousin? You are kind of early for the festivities. I know everyone is happy that Octavian is getting married but you are super early."

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