Pg. 69

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She liked to see that type of banter between them. Alisha and she never had that sort of relationship between them. Her sister was more into her friends who were into the drug scene. Natasha was never into the drinking or drug scene, she mostly stayed at home.  

Cirino had finished talking with the tailor and left him alone so he could finish his alterations whilst he took off to find Maximillian to talk to him. Being the second eldest he had to help Maximillian with the arrangements for Octavian's and Natasha's ceremony and ball. It was traditional and much more when both parents were deceased. And he was worried about the same thing Octavian had to be worried about... REBEKAH!

"Cirino, Octavian already came to me with the same concerns and I agree with you just as I do with you but you know that Rebekah as Sire of the Shadow Covet clan has to be here and will be here, as she already has sent word and you know that she doesn't want to come to witness the transformation, you know what she is after." 

"Yes, I remember Maximillian the one time she proposed to marry into our family to form an allegiance between all of the clans. She picked Octavian from among us, we didn't know if it was because she felt something for him or if she thought him to be the manipulative one of the five and she underestimated him."

"Do not worry, Cirino, Sire Alaric will also be here and he is a strong adversary, he will keep her in place and if not him, Klaus can. Besides, it would be wise for her to remember that all clans are under the hand of the Judges, and at their last council meeting they decided that each clan would continue to keep to themselves and reside in their territory, and as such no other clan shall trespass the territory of the other without permission. She also needs to remember that she was there when each clan was given a copy of the treaty after it was signed by every Sire present."

"But brother let us change the subject, this is a much festive occasion to talk about trash as Rebekah, Cirino, Natasha, and Octavian's ceremony is looking like it is going to be a grand event. Mother would be very happy especially since he was her favorite." "What??? That is news to me."

And they burst out laughing. "How I wish that witch, hadn't had such an evil black heart and killed her daughter otherwise mother and father would see the joy of Octavian and meet what would be a daughter to them as Natasha is a wonderful girl, I 'am happy that Octavian found her, not like that bitch that was running around here years ago."

"I was about to kill her myself Max, I'm glad Octavian killed her, she was too much." "I also like Natasha and am proud of Octavian, too bad she doesn't have a sister for you Cirino, or one of the others." Cirino rolled his eyes and patted his brother on the back.

"Cirino our day will come, now let's go see if the tailor finished fixing your outfit, come." "Yes, but don't cry if it looks better than yours. Also, since we are going down that way, let's check out the ballroom and the ceremony room as it has not been used, well, the ceremony room hasn't and we need to get it in order."

"Yes, you need to sit with me to call the different Sires and Judges so that we can get an approximate number of how many will be attending the ceremony. This way, we can decide on how many chairs to have. I don't want Natasha to see empty chairs and think that no one decided to come. If there aren't too many chairs out it won't seem as if many people were ditching you understanding?"

"Of course, I understand, now let's go."

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