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Natasha came back to the car and found Mr. Lawrence quietly in conversation with her mother, she had a sense that the conversation had to do with her and Octavian but she let it go, "Mr. Lawrence, I have finished my business in town we can return to the mansion."

It seemed as if her mother needed to see who was really in charge now and she would teach her, "On the way to the mansion we can leave Mrs. Edevane at her home, she may retrieve her things tomorrow when she comes to work, this way Mr. Lawrence, it will save you a trip back to town." Lawrence looked at Carminia but he had been given orders to obey anything Natasha said and headed towards Carminia's home.

Carminia looked at her daughter, "But Natasha," "Correction Mrs. Edevane, it's Ms. Mattherson." Carminia was surprised because besides treating her as she was and showing her how she now despised her, Natasha had gone off and now was using her father's last name.

They had all removed his last name when he was murdered so they wouldn't be murdered they thought what if her husband had done something and they were after the family as her husband was a detective but now, she started using it again and then for some reason, she didn't want her to return to the mansion, she wondered why not.

When Lawrence pulled up in front of Carminia's house, Natasha said, "Mrs. Edevane, you are home, have a pleasant evening." "Thank you, Ms. Mattherson, you as well." "You're welcome and we will see you tomorrow bright and early at the mansion Mrs. Edevane."  "Lawrence, thank you, I will see you tomorrow."

Carminia could not believe how much her daughter had changed in so little time, and all for someone who didn't even care about her because as Natasha had pointed out it was true, Damon didn't even say thank you to her for the sacrifice she did of saving for his college and he never called, she has yet to receive one phone call. She knows that he has called Lydia various times, why not his mother? 

As she sat on the sofa Natasha's comment about how Damon was always fucking Lydia came into her mind. And she thought that maybe because he was holding the phone in his hand during phone sex was tiring him out so much, he wasn't able to call her, that sick son of a bitch. Now because of him, she has lost the person who did love her, the daughter she once had, and now is 'dead.'

She was happy about something and that was that Natasha had said that her name was Ms. Mattherson which meant she was still a virgin, that was a relief to know although she knew it was a matter of time before she wouldn't be as she was so gullible and those men were so devious with their words.

She had already said that they were not monsters and qualified them as nice people when she knew they were not. Something in her core told her they might be the type of beings that stripped you of your soul and left you lifeless but she did not have proof as she had not seen any type of scene. There was no way of telling Natasha this for she would ask if she had witnessed something and she would have to say no. 

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