Pg. 102

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Octavian could not get over the fact that his cousins were going to bring male strippers to his fiancé's party. Everyone knew he didn't want strippers at his party, so why hadn't Natasha said no to strippers? Well, he started to think how she never liked to offend anyone and he understood that. And his cousins had without a doubt taken to her and he loved that. They were the type that didn't take to, too many people, especially when it came to their family.

Maximillian came to him, "Octavian, don't worry, it's just a party and you know how crazy our cousins are and yes, you do know that what they say is true, in our world, we marry just once so let them have their fun." 

"Yes, I know but the stripper they are going to have is Vladimir and you know how Vladimir looks and what he does to the brides." "Ask yourself, do you trust Natasha?" "Well of course I do." "Then you have nothing to worry about, come let's look into the tailor for your tuxedo for the wedding, remember, you only have two weeks. Time flies."

Kajetana was writing the names for the party down on a tablet when she asked Natasha, "Cousin, how does it feel when you know that the person that is standing next to you is the one that is going to be with you for the rest of your life?"

"Well, at first it feels scary because your first thought is oh my god, I'm going to wake up every day to this person and you think if you can do that. You keep thinking that over and over again in your head, but then your heart takes over calming your fears as it answers by saying 'Yes you will wake up to this man every day because he is the one you have longed to find. The one who has healed your heart and filled the emptiness you have felt. He who will make sweet love to you. Caressing your body as the dew drops of the early morning do the petals of flowers. The person who has been mated with you and will forever love, care, and respect you. To be able to create a family and both live to eternity without failing each other and always when one falls the other is there to pick him up, he is your holy grail and you are the blood that keeps him alive. That is how it feels."

Natasha knew that the girls were shedding tears not because she could see them as the girls were doing a good job of hiding them but because this was what they longed for and none had been able to find their mate yet. They put up a happy front for everyone but only Natasha knew that inside they were heartbroken because they felt lonely, they longed for love, and she hoped at her wedding the girls could find someone, one never knows. But the one who was asking how it felt already had her special someone just for the moment it had to remain a secret.

"Natty," as Tansia lovingly called her, "I have a friend who happens to be in the Shadow Covet clan, she is not like her Sire, the fucking bitch of the clans so I'm asking you first, could I have permission to invite her to both parties and the wedding?" "Yes, but please tell her not to let herself get manipulated by that fucking bitch, not to give her the invitation, what is your friend's name?"

"Her name is Palmaria," "Tell her that until the wedding is finished come and stay here at the mansion with you as there is room. This way I can be sure that bitch doesn't do anything to her and only she will be here for the parties and wedding, deal?" "Yes, deal I will call her right now to tell her so she can get away and come, thank you Natty."

When Tansia came back from calling Palmaria she found out that she had been sent out by Rebekah and supposedly some newborns from Alaric's clan had ambushed her and killed her. 

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