Pg. 95

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After the Judges retired to their floor for the night and Octavian had walked Natasha to her room, Maximillian asked to talk to him. They went to the only place he considered was his private place. His study. "Octavian, today could not have gone much better than it did, Natasha was being watched by the Judges as you know she would have been and with what she did to Rebekah she won their hearts and not only theirs but that of the Sires which is the reason, I want to talk to you."

"Maximillian, if this has to do with Rebekah, she knows she has nothing on me and knows better than to try something especially when she is on our territory, not to mention the council is still here." 

"No Octavian, you don't understand, she doesn't about the council and she doesn't care about you, she plain doesn't care about anything what she has her eye on right now is having something happen to Natasha, and the plans you both have especially after what happened in the ballroom. We have to prevent that something happens to either one of you but you cannot get involved in anything." "Why not? She is my mate and is it not for me to defend her?"

"Yes Octavian, but have you not been listening to the comments the Judges have been saying all day? They have been referring to you as the prince of the Delacroix house and understand that with the honor of being a prince comes the punishment of a prince and you know what those are!! Natasha is not without protection remember, Cirino, Dario, Edmondo, and I drank her blood and swore to protect her against anything and ANYONE!! That my dear brother includes REBEKAH!!!"

"But Maximillian...." "But Maximillian nothing, you and Natasha are strong together, losing one or both of you would be like going to war and having one of my brothers or all of you die, do you think I want that Octavian?" "No Max, but..." "But nothing, think how it would be if all the clans came under the rule of Rebekah." 

"You have a point, that would be a disaster." "Exactly Octavian, please stay out of any type of conflict that has to do with Rebekah, understood?" "Yes, understood," "tomorrow I will talk to Cirino, Dario, Edmondo, and Nikolaj so that we can prepare ourselves in case she decides to try something against one of you or any of the family who decide to go home and return at a later for the wedding." 

"Alright, Max but you know what Nikolaj is going to say," "What?" "Why don't you let him find someone to fuck her hard because that is what she needs, a good fucking, and all her problems will be over, and maybe she will mellow out." "Yeah, we do have a crazy cousin but I wouldn't give him up for the world. Changing subjects, did Natasha say anything about the ball? I mean did she enjoy it or did she find any surprises?"

"No, she didn't say anything to me, she was talking to Judge Elizabeth so she probably talked to her about it." "Our cousins were very happy showing her around as if they were sisters and I liked that. Edmondo was thrilled introducing her to everyone as his sister, he looks like a little kid with a new toy."

"The problem Maximillian the toy is mine." "Now, now Octavian, anyway when is the bachevamp party?" "Bachevamp? what the fuck is a bachevamp?" "You know a bachelor party but ala vampire style."

"Ah, ala vampire style, but no strippers," "why? because Natasha might say something?" "No, because it's ala vampire style and we might suck them dry." They both started to laugh.

 "Tomorrow I will talk to the guys to see when we will throw you your bachevamp, but wait when is the wedding Octavian?" "It should be two weeks from today." "She's making you wait two weeks? Damn, bro," Then he started to laugh as he started to pat his back, "Octavian, I'm just joking with you, then next week-end we will have your bachevamp party, sounds good?" 

"Yeah, it sounds good but don't let Natasha know about your, 'she's making you wait for two weeks' comment or she might kill you." Octavian took off upstairs laughing like normal brother banter, anyone who saw them would never know they were princes from the underworld.

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