Pg. 88

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When Natasha entered the ballroom since what happened with Edmondo and Nikolaj was in the ante hall of the ballroom no one had seen her but when she entered it was as if she were a deer and all rifles were on her during hunting season.

There was a loud gasp in the air and lots of ohs and ahs the older ones knew that her dress was Victoire's and were amazed at how beautiful it looked on Natasha. She could hear how they said it seemed as if it was her dress instead of Victoire and how it was uncanny that she had so many features of Victoire.

Octavian felt like a peacock showing all its colors as he walked hand in hand with Natasha and they praised him for her beauty. Still, he would say he was lucky because she was beautiful internally and externally as well as smart and many other qualities that she had. He could not stop talking about her.

He took her to the table where Ambrosine and his cousins told her that he would tell Cirino something and walked off. Rebekah was paying attention and quickly walked towards where he was. This time not only the Judges, paid attention but also Maximillian and Natasha. Maximillian knew that his brother was not a young man anymore and left him alone. He did warn him who was on the way and who was watching.

Natasha also stayed back to let him handle things she didn't want this bitch to think that she was the voice in their relationship and she wanted to show that the one who spoke was Octavian.

She started to roam around him as she said, "Well, well, well Octavian, you went off and got yourself a wet behind-the-ear human rat to take as your bride when you could have had a full-fledged as I, what is it with the human rat's that attracts all of you? I will never know." 

Octavian's blood boiled as she called Natasha a human rat but he remembered to let the words evaporate and instead asked her, "Why do you say all of us? Who else is getting married who has chosen or found their mate from within humans?"

"You haven't heard? You have been in this mansion far too long, you must come hunting with me sometime, oh wait, I forgot, now you have to attend to your human rat and won't have time to do so." 

The Judges knew she wanted Octavian to start something with her as a prince with a newly turned mate he could be imprisoned for a certain time depending on what he did. She knew this and that is why she kept saying things to Octavian to rile him up.

The Judges were happy he was keeping his calm but that may not last long, they would need to do something and send for Alaric.

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