Pg. 183

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By the time he had hung up, Natasha already knew what was going on and she knew that as the next queen she would be subjected to this type of situation she could not throw temper tantrums she would have to go with the flow of things and accept what came.

As well she needed to play off that she had the power to know things before they were told to her. "Baby, what happened?" "The Council wants us to return because they want to sit down with us to make the arrangements for our coronation at the red moon ball. So, Natasha, my love, I'm sorry but for now we have to go back."

She got off the bed caressed his cheek and said, "don't worry, we can take off some other time, let us pack and return to the mansion, and let us take care of this situation." He could not believe that she did not give him any trouble or do like some women who cry to get their way but again she was not like other women she was a special woman and only he knew it.

 By the time they had made it back home, it was already early morning and everyone was eagerly awaiting their return. Octavian didn't want to show how irritated he was at being there because he had planned a beautiful honeymoon with his wife and here, he was with the Council and the family that had stayed and this is not where he wanted to be.

Natasha just wanted to make the Council happy and get everything that needed to be arranged done in this way the judges could go to their homes and enjoy the following weeks. She could see that Judge Blair wanted to see an old friend who hadn't come to the wedding because he was sick and Judge Trenton wanted to check in on a lady friend.

Judge Cassius wanted to make sure everything was in order because he didn't want anyone from any clan to get in the way of the coronation and if it meant taking the couple away from a honeymoon which they could go on again then so be it. That was Cassius' way of thinking. He had been married to his mate for many years but when she was found out to be a night walker by a farmer a trap was set up and she was ambushed and set on fire.

He had been away at a Council meeting and by the time he reached her it was too late; she had already perished. He never forgave himself and promised never to marry or even look at another woman again and so far, has kept true to his word.

"Welcome brother and my beautiful sister," said Cirino and just to bother his brother continued with, "How did the mating dance go?" "For fuck's sake Cirino, shut the hell up will you!!!" He started to laugh and, in his place, Dario showed up.

"Hi Bella, how are you?" "I'm good, somewhat tired and thirsty, and you?" "I'm good and I will get you something to quench your thirst and hunger, how about you brother?" "Yes, please, and thank you, oh, hey, where is the Council?" 

"They are in the living room waiting on both of you, so I will take your 'meals' there." Natasha knew where they were but until it was the right moment, she could not let on that she had these special powers besides that she did not even know where she had acquired them from because it hadn't been from her loving husband because he would have known she had them.

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