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"The way I can answer that is by saying that sometimes things happen in a family that you have to make decisions that may hurt but, on this occasion, although hurtful it has given me something beautiful in return. As I have grown close to Octavian and have met all of you. But the reason I was taken to sell is that my brother has wanted to be a doctor for the longest and because of school he had not been able to work. My mother had been saving for his college tuition but when it came time to send him off, she didn't have sufficient."

"His girlfriend who was saving for her wedding dress gave him that money and that still was not enough so my mother asked me if I would do this for my brother because for sure they would give good money as I'm a virgin. I was reluctant at first but he is my brother and I want him to have his career."

As she was telling them all this she was crying and could not stop, Octavian was going to stand next to her to hold her but Maximillian mentally told him, "NO! Let her talk."

They were the only 2 of the 5 who could do that. Dario could move things with his thoughts. Edmondo had no powers that they knew of, and Cirino could confuse people's thoughts.

"So, I said yes but I told my mother to fix a tonic for me so that by the time I was on the platform I was oblivious to the world and would not know what was going on. I didn't want to know what they were saying or hear the bidding or even see clearly to whom I had been sold."

"Mother did not know that the day before the auction I had gone to a friend's house she told me about what happens at the auctions to virgins for she was sold as a virgin by her drunk abusive father. I asked her to get me some cyanide pills and I had them so that after they bought me, I would take them."

"That gentleman is why I was there that day," Maximillian asked her, "couldn't your brother have gotten a scholarship?" "He was going to get it because my brother is an honor student that scholarship would have paid for everything, but a rich family paid so that their son who is a jerk off and not a good student bribed the school and they gave it to him."

Maximillian frowned at thinking of the kind of schools they had. Something had to be done. "Do you know the name of the person who fixed it so that the 'jerk off' as you sweetly put it, would receive the scholarship instead of your brother?" 

"His name is Mr. Hunter, he is the school supervisor and the father of the student is Mr. Mikhail Cohen. Mr. Hunter is always bought by Mr. Cohen when it has to do with his son Eldoren as he is not a good student and well when it came down to someone receiving that scholarship of course Eldoren was going to get it. As such you could say I saw it as my duty to help my brother by doing what I did."

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