Pg. 113

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The judges didn't know that the Delacroix boys used the lesson room for their fun and that is where they would take their treats of the night on feed, fuck, feed parties. Good thing they always made sure to keep it clean. Never would they have imagined they would have a guest that wasn't going to be dinner in their room and much less a guest such as Rebekah 'visiting.'

As Alaric was walking her towards the mansion under her breath he heard as she vowed she would take revenge for what they were doing to her. She however did not know the Judges had been able to hear all of what she had said, until Judge Cassius said, "Rebekah, ENOUGH!!" Then she realized by looking at their faces they had heard all she had said and although she didn't know how she knew one way or another it had something to do with Natasha.

For now, she would leave all that to the side and think of what was in front of her which was why out of all days to be bestowed with a lesson, why today? She had not been able to receive any type of substance since she had been finding ways of plotting against Natasha. She was finding ways to break up this union and now here she was being given a lesson. Being shackled to an X-looking board to be kept in the dark without any 'food' for how long they decided to keep her which was going to hurt. Not to mention when they took her out of there, her eyes would sting and who knows if they would give her something to 'eat' before riding off to the Land of the Souls.

Natasha was happy that although in a small measure, Judge Elizabeth was able to get out some of the anger from within her she felt. She knew that Rebekah must be fuming by now knowing she was going to be in that dark room without anyone to serve her needs. Without any type of contact and any type of tasty, delicious warm, tantalizing vital fluid that was vital not only to humans but to morois as well.

When Alaric came upstairs the Judges asked him, "Did she give you any trouble?" "No, she said she was tired of fighting but thought it was unfair she got punished for something she didn't say, that Judge Elizabeth and Blair must be senile or hearing things or Judge Elizabeth has something against her because she doesn't see why she needed a lesson but she will take whatever you have given, which you know that means one way or another she will find a way to get back at all or one of you which by that she means you, Judge Elizabeth."

"Yes, I know her fury will be directed at me more so because she has always been more directed at women than men," said Elizabeth. Natasha was thinking how Rebekah would now be without any substance or water. She would finally feel like the ones she punishes for no reason. The ones she laughs when they ask for mercy and, she turns her face, now it is her turn to suffer.

When they left that's when Rebekah remembered that she hadn't heard how many days she would be in the darkroom. As she searched her brain she remembered Judge Cassius said he would let her think about what she said and what she had planned to do for about 3 days before he sent her to the Land of the Souls. Three whole days without a drop of warm tantalizing, soothing rich B negative touching her taste buds. Natasha wanted to start laughing but knew they would think she was crazy so she went inside the castle to find the girls. 

"Not only you Judge Elizabeth, but all of us including my men and I," said Alaric, "we should keep our eyes open just in case some newborns from her clan that may be completely devoted to her were to show up. She has committed many wrongs but still has many loyal followers and they might think that having her banished is a cruel punishment and might try to go against the order. When the time comes to take her Council with your permission, I will call on the help of another coven to help take her for I know there will be trouble."

Judge Trenton thinking about what Alaric said, "That is very true, and we have complete trust in you Alaric as you know who is the stronger Coven that can be able to help on the journey so that we will leave it up to you." 

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