Pg. 132

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Rebekah thought she was getting kissed by Alaric and her insides went crazy not because she felt anything for him but because it had been a long time but what does the motherfucker say? "Rebekah, I wouldn't trust anything that comes out of you so you're being shackled, HURRY UP AND DRINK!!!" 

She couldn't believe she was going to be shackled all the way there. But that was alright she would get even and she would add to the list one man she thought she wouldn't,  Sergiu. He had always been nice to her no matter what anyone thought of her but things had changed and she would too, pity she thought, he would have been a great fuck.

"So, tell me Alaric, who suggested to keep me under chains? The bitch future bride of Octavian?" "I don't see why I must answer that, but just so you can get the stick out of your ass that you feel you are that important to her when you are not, the order came from someone else. Princess Natasha had nothing to do with how we transport you."

When she heard that Alaric called her Princess Natasha, she knew that meant that the Council had already bestowed on her the title without her being married and it also meant no one could touch her as she now was princess over all Covens including her own along with Octavian. Talk about your power couple.

"Was it then the so-called Prince Octavian?" Alaric knew she was just wasting time, "Rebekah enough of your stupid questions, no it wasn't Octavian, and are you finished with your liquid? Because be it if you are or not, we are out of here, Sergiu, fetter her and let's get out of here I want to get there and come back as quickly as we can without any sort of trouble. I'm not in the mood to be riding for days."

"Yes, Sire." How she hated that now she had to be confined all the way there but Alaric knew her well. Maybe she could try something with Sergiu, "Sergiu my love," he knew she was trying to play him but he wanted to see what she would say. She had never tried anything with Sergiu and she didn't know that the reason was because he was one of those strong-willed and strong-minded men.

Alaric and he had wanted to see what sort of tricks she would start to use to get out of the shacks. "Alaric wants to confine me but I'm a girl and what happens if I have to use the bathroom or something?" He acted as if he were thinking and she thought that she had him when unexpectedly he said, "Well that would be a problem EXCEPT THAT VAMPIRES DON'T USE THE BATHROOM BITCH!!!! now give me your hands."

Now she knew she was in for it because when Sergiu treated her like this the gloves were off and there was no mercy coming for her from anyone although it's not as if she deserved it she knew that. Either way, she would see if she still had some feminine manipulation with the men who would be accompanying Alaric but when the others came and she saw who they were she wanted to do something she hadn't done in years.... cry.

The Sacrifice of a VirginDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora