Pg. 147

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A new day had arrived and that meant it was time for her to find a way out of there, from what she could deduce the wedding was in a couple of days and she didn't know the shortcut that Alaric took. Maybe that was another reason he took that way, so she wouldn't know how to return to the mansion. Either way, she would take the path she knew, and that took two days to get to the mansion so this was going to have to be a forget about feeding day.

Valeska was halfway there as she took the shortcut. Natasha had inculcated in her mind the same words she had in Alaric and Sergiu's minds when they went the first time to take Rebekah. She didn't want anything to happen to Valeska and made sure that the enchantment was with her forever.

Rebekah had searched and searched and had found a way that no one else had ever found. It seemed that when the Daywalkers were putting the fence they placed the pole of the fence a little inward and there was a small space in which a woman the size of Rebekah could slide out without the laser picking up on the tattoo. No other vampires had ever picked up on it otherwise the Daywalkers would have fixed that a long time ago. 

Rebekah thought 'Of course, no other vampires would have thought of this, because their brain was so full of 'lettuce.' Now all she had to do was run without making any stops anywhere. She needed to get to that wedding no matter what, that was the main objective right now. That fucking wedding and that bitch!!

As soon as she saw all was clear she ran towards where they had their horses and took the one that she saw was rested and stronger and she knew would ride without her needing to stop for water and food. She couldn't afford to stop anywhere for any amount of time.

Again, as she stole the horse she looked to see if anyone had noticed that she had left or if the laser had picked up the sign of the tattoo, but again if the laser had picked up on it she would be ashes. So far so good and good thing the horse she took was quiet and not making any sort of noise.

Even though she didn't know, someone had noticed, she just hadn't seen the person. Valeska had done exactly like Natasha had told her. She saw Rebekah escape and saw when she stole the horse and at that moment was watching her getting on the horse taking the only path she knew how to get to the mansion. 

Natasha knew Rebekah would not waste time trying to find out which path Alaric used because her main goal was getting to the mansion and she didn't want to waste time she just wanted to make it to the mansion before the wedding. 

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