Pg. 23

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When she removed her hand, he felt that his heart yearned for her to not leave and she was only going to take a bath. From her mouth came the words he needed to hear to appease the growing desire of love he was having for her although they had just laid eyes on each other a short while ago, "My love, I will only just be a short while and then you can take me to the kitchen."

She lowered herself and she softly kissed his cheek and when she did every hair on his body stood at attention and whispered the word, LOVE. As she left, he walked out of her room and happened to run into Maximillian, "Octavian, will you have two running meals or is this one a rare red diamond gem of some type?" "May I talk to you, Max?" "Yes, of course." 

They entered Maximillian's private library where no one entered except him. "Tell me what troubles you, brother," "You know that I once had a woman whom I thought was someone special and could have warmed my heart but it seemed that was never to happen as she did not turn out to be my mate."

"Yes, I remember." "Well, with Natasha, from the first moment I set eyes on her, it felt as if a blow torch had touched my iced-over heart and since the auction, I feel the ice slowly melting away. I see us running through the forest hand in hand chasing after the game. And now before I walked out of her room when she touched my cheek, I saw so many memories that we were making."

"Maximillian, Natasha is the one I have been waiting for, for so many centuries, I feel it in the depths of my very core. I see her as this fragile flower and I don't want to fuck her, I want to take things slow and do things right like I know she wants. I would like to marry her but before that, I know that the only way for me to make sure that she is my mate is by her understanding of who and what I 'am."

"Maybe I'm scared that she will not accept me and I will have to kill her." "Brother, you said that you feel she is the one that you have waited for, for centuries, and if that is so then she will feel it also, and upon learning about you and feeling the memories of the night she will come to understand what you two have and she will ask questions and that is when you have to tell her part by part who and what you are." 

"Octavian, when your heart starts to come out from the 'block' of ice it is because it has found the one whom you will unite with. You will mate with. But remember, you must wait until she asks you questions from dreams or visions, she has had in order for you to explain and you cannot turn her unless she asks, and only then can there be a ceremony and wedding between you two." 

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