Pg. 155

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As they took photos, Natasha looked from the balcony and could see how they had the seats set up and it looked really beautiful. It was the first time she had seen how many people would be there and although she saw the number of people that were at the ceremony she didn't expect as many at the wedding. 

The formation of the seating was very nice, she would have to thank Maximillian and her other 'brothers' later for the good job they did besides Nikolaj who also told her that she was so cool that he turned in his resignation letter to Safira and now he would be her brother. When Safira heard him, she started to jump with happiness and told Natasha to keep him.

Edmondo, at the sound of that, started to shake his head in the motion of no, he said she could only have him as a little brother. And as boys that they were, they went outside to rough it out.

During all this time Rebekah was taking a day nap because she thought this was her night. This was the night she would get rid of Natasha; she would stand next to Octavian and be the one where he could cry on her shoulders and finally make her way into his heart as she tried one time and it didn't work.

She thought tonight she would make them all see that Natasha was good for nothing and all she wanted was the crown and that was the reason she wanted to marry Octavian that she didn't care for him, his family, or anyone else. She wanted to show everyone that Natasha was a fake and thinking she was going to prove all of this she was sleeping soundly and with a smile on her face. 

All the while Valeska had her eye on her just in case she made a move. But when Valeska saw that she was calm and asleep she sneaked up to the mansion to let Natasha know where Rebekah was and to let her know that she was ready to come for the reception.

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