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Previously, the bridal party had united and given ideas to Natasha on what they would like their bridesmaid's dresses to look like. Natasha knew that she as the bride didn't have to ask them their opinion but they should also make a decision because, after all, it was going to be a night wedding. She took those suggestions in mind along with the knowledge that they had noble blood and designed a dress that she thought suited them.

Natasha talked to the owner of a well-established bridal shop detailing what she wanted for the bridesmaid's dresses and asked if she could make the dresses designed by her. She said she could but of course, she would need the measurements of the girls. Natasha invited the owner to the house with the excuse that there were too many girls to take to the store. 

The owner set a time and day as well as told Natasha she would be bringing with her some of her seamstresses to help get the measurements. Natasha said it was fine and the only thing she asked was that she hoped they could make the dresses in the time allotted. She would even pay extra if they concentrated solely on her bridesmaids dresses. Natasha asked that there be no mention of the design of the dress when they took the measurements as the girls had kept asking and she made sure to tell the owner to tell her seamstresses to ignore when the girls asked. She wanted the dresses to be a surprise to them and everyone else and they wouldn't be seen until it was time to be shown.  

Since it was for the fiance of a member of the Delacroix family, she was not about to say no and told Natasha not to worry, the dresses would be of priority and would be done quickly and would be flawless. Later in the day, the owner came by with her seamstresses, and by then the girls were gathered in the den. Natasha knew they were asking away about the dresses but as the owner had told them the seamstresses were quiet.

They took the measurements, wrote them down, and with a smile said goodbye. Natasha knew they were nervous and right now they didn't care about answering questions they just wanted out. "Ms. Natasha, as soon as the dresses are done I will come by and leave them, thank you for the business. I will start working on them today." "Thank you, Mrs. Hedda, I appreciate it very much."

As Natasha walked out of the room with Ambrosine, she knew that their aunt wanted to know what the dress looked like but this time Natasha would have to disappoint if she asked because this would have to be a surprise for all.

Just then she heard the door and when she opened it, it was Mrs. Hedda and Natasha heard she was fast but she couldn't be this fast. "Yes, Mrs. Hedda?" "I'm sorry Ms. Natasha, I forgot my appointment book." "Oh, come in and let me get it for you." Natasha didn't need her roaming around a house full of vampires so close to dinner time and she did smell so delicious. She quickly got the planner and gave it to her, after bidding goodbye Mrs. Hedda left.

A couple of days had gone by as the wedding plans kept going on and all quiet so far, and when the doorbell rang and Natasha answered it and she knew who it was she was still surprised because she didn't expect it this soon. "Mrs. Hedda, so soon?" "Ms. Natasha, I like to promise and deliver. I hope the dresses are exactly what you asked for and your bridesmaid loves them." And she smiled. Natasha couldn't be happier. "I am sure they will come, follow me to the den; I will call them down."

When Natasha called the girls telling them the dresses had arrived, they were excited as this was their first time seeing them. When they did, they almost fainted as it did represent everything they were. And not such much because of that but because they noticed Natasha had taken into account all their suggestions.

Safira looked at her dress and then at Natasha and hugged her, the rest followed and when they finished hugging her, all of them said thank you. "That is nothing, wait until you see the shoes that go with the dress, but those will not come yet, those are a present from your cousin Maximillian so please thank him. Right now Mrs. Hedda needs to see if the dresses fit so, it's time for me to see the fashion show Mrs. Hedda has placed a changing curtain up for you girls so let's start." Natasha was happy everyone had forgotten about Rebekah and was focusing on the wedding again.

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