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She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Could it be that she was overly stressed about everything she was going through? Could it be that she was overthinking things way too much and her mind was making her see things that were not there? She didn't know what was happening.

Just then Lydia came in rapping at the door, "Mrs. Edevane," she wanted to tell her, 'My son has fucked you enough times where you can call me by my first name and you don't have to be calling me Mrs. Edevane to gain entrance into the house' but she just let it go "Lydia, you don't have to call me Mrs. Edevane, call me Carminia, what can I help you with?" "Did you hear? one of the princes of the mansion is finally getting married?" "No, I hadn't heard."

"But I thought you worked at the mansion?" "Lydia, I may be old but I still have some smarts in my brain, and when you came the first thing you asked me was if I had heard if one of them was going to get married before you even said 'hi' that lets me know that you already knew I wasn't working at the mansion anymore."

"I'm sorry Carminia, do you need anything?" Carminia wanted to tell her, 'Yes, I need you to stop fucking my son on the phone and the PC cam for a night or two so he can have some free time in which he can remember he has a mother and talk to me since because of him I have lost the only person who ever loved me besides his father.'

But instead, she asked, "How is Damon? Because I haven't heard from him since he left but I am probably sure you have." Lydia looked at her with the eyes of a person caught in headlights, this was her chance to let it be known to her how she felt because she was sure Lydia would tell Damon.

"Yes Lydia, like I said I'm not stupid and I know he has called you on more than one occasion but he still has not called me and I am dying to hear from him. I feel that as his mother and the person who saved from the meager wages, I received so he could go to the college he wanted it is only decent that he calls me once in a while to let me know how he is, I don't think that is too much to ask."

"No Carminia, it is not too much to ask and that is true he should also call you, I looked surprised because I thought he had also called you and had no idea he hadn't. I will talk to him and I'm sorry about that."

"If you had no idea, he hadn't called, why are you saying sorry? You have no reason to say sorry. Never ask forgiveness when you haven't done anything wrong and never, but never ask forgiveness to excuse the wrongdoing of a man. Now I'm going to make a stew want to help me and stay for dinner?"

"I would like that, Carminia, I was wondering did you know where Natasha went to because I would love to visit her, I do miss her." At the mention of Natasha's name Carminia's heart just broke more than it already was. She wondered if a heart could turn into ashes and just lay there the body serving as the urn because if that was the case that is how it felt each time Natasha's name was mentioned or she spoke it.

Now came the lie thought Carminia, "No dear, I don't, she just left and she probably is happy wherever she is, may God watch over her that is all we can ask, let's get to cutting these vegetables."

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