Pg. 83

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Cassius called Judge Hearst and between the two Judges, they tied Natasha to the table only after Countess/Judge Elizabeth removed the grail letting everyone see that it was empty and that her eyes had turned from the dark yellow color they were when the ceremony started to a semi-dark red color which showed that Octavian's had been drunk and was in her completely. 

Cassius and Hearst tied her wrist with the red ceremonial cord to the gold rings on the ceremony table that had been added to the table. Judge Deacon, Trenton, Blair, Serban, and Exeter were asked to come and check the ties and the goblets so that they could see there were no questions or doubts of any type.

When they looked over everything and saw that everything was good, they all sat down. Cassius then asked for the Delacroix family blade which Maximillian brought to him. It was in a box and when Cassius opened it up it was covered in a silk covering. "All watch so that you can see that the blade cuts will Sire Rebekah step forward."

If he had the power to read minds, she would say he had read hers for she was thinking that because it was that bitch, they used the family heirloom blade and it's probably so old it doesn't even cut so it wouldn't cut his newborn vampiric wife.

She knew not to say no to a Judge, especially in a ceremony, where everyone was watching that was like asking for instant banishment or even death in their society and many wanted that already so she better get her fucking ass up and smile as she walked up there.

Alaric was by now at the ceremonial steps since he went to help Countess/Judge Elizabeth come down and stayed there to help Natasha. When they called Rebekah, he decided to stay just in case.

He put his hand out so she could walk up but he didn't do too much to help her and she didn't dare look at him in a way that was going to displease the Judges as she remembered the conclave she had been called to just weeks before she had been invited to this ceremony and she was not about to get banish over this little bitch.

"Sire Rebekah, would you check the knife and slightly cut your wrist to show everyone here that the blade is sharp and it does cut?" She lowered her head and taking the blade slid the blade across her wrist, instantly a trickle of blood started and she licked it.

"As seen by all the blade is sharp as such we shall begin, Sire Rebekah could you please return to your seat thank you." She looked at Cassius and again she thought to herself to make sure to do it in a manner that didn't displease him, especially him since he was head Judge of the Council.

"Now I will cut each of Natasha's limbs so her blood which has been mixed with Octavian's be spilled into the goblets that are waiting at the four corners of the table and once that is done, we will ask Maximillian, Cirino, Dario, and Edmondo which you all know as Octavian's brothers to partake of her blood, after which Octavian you may come and claim your mate and we will retreat into the betrothment ball of which you are all invited."

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