Pg. 82

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Judge Cassius continued as it was something that he had to do at these ceremonies and there were not many, well, not in these days. "After Natasha has drunk Octavian's blood from the grail she will be tied to the table and bleed so as his brothers may taste of her blood and be able to distinguish her aroma whenever she may be in trouble and they may always protect the Princess of the Delacroix Mansion as future wife and mother to any children they may have. Natasha, to bind yourself completely with Octavian you must drink all of the blood that is his, you cannot leave any and you can start drinking now."

Natasha lifted her head and picked up the grail putting it to her lips. She smelled the sweet aroma of his blood and her stomach churned not with disgust but with hunger, hunger to savor it in her mouth. Each taste bud is enchanted with the detection of the sweetness of what he is. Coursing through her veins, reviving each part of her body binding her with him, making them one, making them whole.

She remembered what he said, and instead of making this a joke which she knew it wasn't, this was a serious part of the beginning of their life, she started sipping the tantalizing liquid, not gulping it down. Octavian was seated in the front row next to his aunt Ambrosine and she could see how nervous he was, she placed her hand on his knee, he looked at her, and she smiled without taking her eyes off of Natasha, and that calmed him down.

Judge Cassius could see that Natasha indeed was the chosen mate for young Octavian as she kept drinking his blood as any royal princess would and at the same time as someone who required something. She wasn't gagging or making fun of what was happening and all this had told him that she was the one. This ceremony had Octavian's parent's blessing via the smiles from his family. The Judge's and the Sires of the clan, well, except Rebekah which Octavian had expected had smiles and looks of agreement to what was happening.  

When Natasha finished the last of Octavian's blood from the grail, she cleaned the spot where her lips had touched and then placed her hands on the table in the same way she had them before. She was waiting for the same pain that she had gone through the first time but to her surprise, the pain was not as much and she was able to show everyone there that she could take the pain without holding on to the table as if someone were killing her.

Cassius looked at her then he helped her up after which he asked Octavian's uncle for the rope that he would use to bind her to the table. Although Octavian wanted to scream no and stop this, he knew he could not or he would be banished and Natasha would be taken from him. Again, Ambrosine and this time as well his grandmother, Atanasya came and sat at his other side, to calm him down as she noticed Cassius looking towards him.

This part of the ceremony was new and Octavian didn't know the thought of his Natasha getting cut and bleeding like an animal made him sick and made him want to go get her. He was happy his family especially his female family were there since they always had a way to calm him.

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