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After the royal guard had been picked and the two women had been let go or Natasha had told in 'nice' words they better go everyone had gone inside and all day took it calmly and had a good day.

But Natasha was on guard because she knew that Rebekah was planning her way of getting out and much more than Alaric told them all the new measures the Daywalkers had now taken so the vampires wouldn't escape.

Natasha knew nothing would work because Rebekah wanted to be at her wedding and she would be there, she knew that Rebekah was the type of woman that when she wanted something she wouldn't stop until she achieved it. And she was right.

"I see that they have given you the VIP treatment Rebekah," said Lord Rovir. She just looked at him wishing she had her the many people that were loyal to her at one time because now they were either dead or had scattered or as she had learned from the Council and that bitch, many had gone off with other clans.

"Can you give me your arm Rebekah?" asked Bellvan, Rebekah thought him to be so nice and started to wonder if he might be the one by which she escaped but she didn't know that she would be playing with fire as he was much more cunning and unsympathetic than she was. He rather kills her than help her escape. His nice act was put on not for her but for one of the Sheras that was accompanying Alaric. And that was Valeska's friend, Ives.

From the first time, he saw Ives he had fallen in love with Ives, and before he could say anything to her or invite her out while on his post as Daywalker waiting for someone there he saw her coming riding in with Alaric and it hit him that she was a Shera and the question that has always been in his mind has been not if they can be a couple but, could she leave her position?

He hoped she could because he was going to talk to her at the wedding to let her know his feelings and tell her to be his partner in life. He was tired of being alone and he knew she was too and she was a beautiful woman inside as well as out. And her fighting skills were much better than any of his men but he wanted her to be near his heart.

Soon the wedding would be upon them and he had been preparing to not only make a good dance partner but a good presentation of his feelings for her. Rebekah was seeing something that was not there.

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