Pg. 67

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"You are talking about work here, made you breakfast Mrs. Edevane?" "Yes, Octavian, that Mrs. Edevane," "the same one I sent you with to buy your gowns?" "Yes." She went to put her hand on his cheek to caress it and he slapped it away with all his might since she was so close to him, he caught her face and with his nails cut her cheek.

Just about that time Maximillian came into the room without knocking and saw when he cut her cheek and how tears formed on her lashes and she excused herself adding to please do not disturb her. Seeing the expression on his brother's face upon seeing her like that and hearing her say that with an open mouth and his arm still in the air.

"What have I done Max?" "You have a mate now Octavian, you cannot fly off the handle, if Mrs. Edevane is her mother, do you think if the shoe was on the other foot, you would have said anything? Remember, you were ranting about killing her mother and if she loves her mother, she would do everything to save her life and that is exactly what she did, just let her calm down and then go talk to her, remember our blood runs throughout her body so the cut should be healed by now."

As time went by, she thought about things just as he had and when she came out of her room, she found him outside as the sun had gone down. "Octavian..." When he heard her voice, he ran to her. "Baby, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." He started to kiss her cheek but as Maximillian had said, the cut was gone. "Octavian, it was my fault I should have told you as soon as I came but you have to understand...." 

"Natasha, you don't have to explain, all this time I was thinking and remembered the things I said I would do to your mother when I found out who she was. And I know if I had been you, I would have protected my mother from me also, so I understand my love. I also have to understand that maybe it was fate that she took you there for if it were not for her, I wouldn't have you the love of my life, she united me with the one I have waited for, and for this I am grateful."

"I'm glad you feel this way and please let's never go through something like this again because I'd hate to see what would happen if I went to town asking for life insurance on a vampire." And she kissed him before he could say anything.

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