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And explode they did, she never knew that this 'activity' felt this good, no wonder her brother rather than looking for work was out with Lydia enjoying themselves, that stupid son of a bitch, enjoyed himself while she played housemaid and kept the house because he never even knew what it meant to clean.

Lydia may have enjoyed herself but she could never say she waited for the right person to enjoy herself with since Damon was playing around with different people which is the reason she finally got down on her knees to suck his pathetic cock. She can say she gave herself to the right man because one day Damon was going to get so angry and he would grasp at the first thing he could grab and that would be to tell her to her face that she was just like any other bitch he had had. 

After opening Natasha's eyes, a little more by practicing other sexual poses and tricks that Octavian was familiar with but she wasn't, Octavian suggested they go experience the beach and spend some time swimming around to which she agreed.

Their honeymoon was going so well and they could not be happier. Just when they were walking out the door his cell phone rang, she knew it was Maximillian and prepared for the worst.

"Hello," "Octavian, I hope I didn't disturb anything," and he changed his voice in a sort of sexy way when he said "carnal," Natasha could hear him laughing but Octavian she could see was bothered by the comment. "Max, what the fuck do you want? I left the cell phone on for emergencies so this better be an emergency."

"Yes, let me get to the point, the Council is, as you know, still here and they want to name you both king and queen over the clans as soon as possible and keep asking when you're coming back, I told them not for two weeks and they wish it to be sooner."

"But the red moon is not for another month, why can't they go home and then..." "That is what I suggested but a couple of them suggested it would be easier if you came and between them and both of you make all the arrangements for the Red Moon ball and then they can go and when they do come back it will only be for the announcement as all the plans have already been made. I have done my part in the arrangements and I have tried everything I can but I can't hold them off any longer. Talk to Natasha and then after all this is finished you can go back. Goodbye, Octavian say hi to her from all of us."

"I will talk to her and thank you for trying, but wait, how are we going to come back if to get reservations on the island it took me some time?" "Don't worry, it won't take you time, Countess Elizabeth bought the island as she felt so bad that you have to come and she will be giving it to you as a gift but don't say I told you."

That delighted Octavian, now he had a paradise to go away to with Natasha whenever he wanted to get away from the stress of life or just when they wanted to be alone and away from everyone with Natasha.

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