Pg. 135

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Natasha could see in her mind that Alaric was nearing the Daywalkers gate and she was happy that he had been able to find a different path on which to travel to take that fucking bitch. Even though she knew Rebekah would only be there for a few days.

Octavian had been asking her if she had her wedding dress since he hadn't seen her go to town to go shopping for one. When she told him that she already had all her attire he asked her if it was going to be the same one in her vision before she had turned. "No, my love, it is different, it will be a surprise and I hope you will love it." "I'm curious as to what it looks like because I haven't seen you go to town to buy one, any hints baby?" "Just one, wait until our wedding day." She kissed him and started laughing as she walked away.

His grandmother was close and told him that he wasn't too old for her to give him a good spanking so to stop asking her because that was going to be a surprise and besides, he knew that a groom is not supposed to see the dress or even know what it looks like. He kissed his grandmother whom he loved so much and was happy she was there to share this joy with him. She thought if my grandson only knew his bride was going to be wearing his beloved mother's wedding dress he would die.

Natasha and Octavian had gone over the list and made sure that everything that they needed was checked off. They were happy to see that all the arrangements for the wedding were made.  As they were alone looking over the list Octavian asked her, "Natasha my love, do you want to invite your mother?" At hearing that question she felt a hate one she had never felt before. It felt as if a volcano were to explode.

"You as well as I know that I don't have a mother," she hadn't told him the things she used to say about them when she worked for them because after all she did to her, there was no reason to have her killed like some dog and although Octavian said he wouldn't do it she knew that some of the others wouldn't be so kind. 

"No Octavian, I'm not going to invite her because seeing her would ruin my special day as memories would engulf my mind flooding the good ones of that day and I don't want that. I will send her a photo of our wedding after we get them back." "Alright my dear, I don't want your special day to be ruined by memories that shouldn't be there, I want our day to be remembered by everyone including us as a thing of beauty and grace and above all love." 

And with that, he kissed her and she saw inside of him all the love he had for her, all the plans for the future he had for both. He was the man who her heart had so long waited for, he was the one who was going to bring her all the happiness she had looked for, and all this time her so-called mother hid her from him but destiny found a way for them to be together.

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