Pg. 105

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Countess Elizabeth wanted to get Palmaria's mind off of what had happened and said, "Well girls weren't you planning and involved in something about invitations for a party or parties?" Safira knew what she was trying to do and replied, "Why yes, we were, come on Palmaria, we need extra hands, we have lots of invitations and need extra hands to fold."

When they had entered inside Palmaria asked, "What invitations are you girls sending out Tansia?" "We are sending out invitations to the bridal shower first which we had to change up a bit because as a human Natasha's pussy cat never felt a scratching post." Palmaria blushed but felt bad that Tansia had said that and Natasha was not so far away, "Tansia, she's right there, be nice."

Natasha replied to Palmaria, "That's alright because you see two can play at that game, and when she wasn't watching I changed her B- for B+," Tansia stood up, "Is that why I feel tipsy? Natasha?" The rest of the girls started laughing and went about closing the invitations. Seems that in their world sometimes the different types of blood affect some moroi.

Safira told Tansia to quit playing around and to get to work because she wanted to give them out before the invitees left the Inn. "Tansia this way we don't have to send them airvamp, you know how much the air vamps charge to fly around so I want to give these before they leave since most of all of the invitees are staying at the Inn." They had a system that wasn't the post office. They had a certain clan that for a price would fly to deliver whatever needed to be delivered be it invitations, or papers.

The rest who were invited to the bachelorette and bridal party were going to be family and stay at the mansion. Atanasya came in to see how everything was going and saw that they had picked invitations to the bridal shower that were almost the same as the ones to the wedding. She saw that everything was coming along beautifully and saw especially how happy Natasha was which mattered the most.

"You girls better invite me to both parties you hear me? I want to see how Vladimir is looking." "Grandmother, what is grandfather going to say?" "He is going to say that he looks better than Vladimir and for me to have a good time and he is going to give me a pack of dollar bills, any more questions?" Natasha started laughing at the humor of this sweet new person who would now be in her life, she couldn't be happier with the family she now has.

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